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    and it's still not allowing random expression names,as in

    ""whatever" is not an expression in object"

    and it won't let me close the expression dialogue

    am I missing something somewhere else?

  • oh, i didn't know tiled bg could do that. I wouldn't have bothered. I'll take a look at adding that feature. I didn't realize it was in demand. it might not be too bad.

  • I want battle test this a little before I put it in completed add-ons, if it ever goes there at all

    this is all barebones, as I just made it for personal use, and I didn't implement several sprite features, but it may be useful as is to someone else as is, as well.

    it's just a modified sprite plugin that allows you to have a different image for each instance of the sprite. as of now it doesn't even let you change each instance in the editor, but you can load the frames at runtime.   i didn't make it work with animations either.

    I haven't tested it with changing layouts, so if someone else cares to, let me know how it goes. I don't think that'll work either tho, without reloading the frame info. the part of the code that'd do that tho is shared with something I changed so it might work, if not, and someone really needs that feature, let me know, i can probably add that really easily

    download here(including rojohound's update)

    in case you're wondering what use this might serve, it's for editors, where you need to load frames in the editor, and then again when the level, or whatever is loaded in game, and you don't know how beforehand how many different images will be needed

  • hmmm...anyone know if these changes in speed over several layouts was a problem before this latest version. just want to make sure I didn't introduce this bug with the "plays nice with other plugins" fix

  • There will be no way to compare the numbers exactly, unless you're some super programmer. The best way will be to put an emulator running megaman on one side of the screen, and keep tweaking the values until they feel right, if he doesn't jump high enough, increase jump strength, too much now? Reduce it a little. It probably won't take very long either

  • vsync to some lower framerate like 30fps

    and then see if it's consistent

  • doesn't work for me rojo. it doesn't apply the filter in editor or at runtime, even if I put actions to set activated and set color again at runtime

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  • thank you linkman, I wanted to redo the ui on my editor, because creating a dynamic ui with 's' was getting very ugly eventwise. I decided to try this, and all the group and name options made it extremely simple to use it for on the fly purposes like popup windows or controls that appear only in certain circumstances, or branch off of eachother. exactly what I needed, easier than I had hoped it'd be. thanks again

  • I take it you are over ponies now, then?

    <img src="">

  • I don't think I'm breaking any new ground here, but damn, what a great game, huh?

    story, gameplay, humor, atmosphere, GLaDOS!!! it's just so damn original and awesome.

    just finished single player. great ending. haven't played multiplayer yet, but will soon.

    also, i think where the idea came from is a great indie success story:

    Portal is Valve's spiritual successor to the freeware game Narbacular Drop, the 2005 independent game released by students of the DigiPen Institute of Technology; the original Narbacular Drop team is now employed at Valve. Valve had become interested in Narbacular Drop after seeing the game at DigiPen's annual career fair; Robin Walker, one of Valve's developers, saw the game at the fair, and later contacted the team, providing them with advice and offering them to show their game at Valve's offices. After their presentation, Valve's president Gabe Newell quickly offered the entire team jobs at Valve to develop the game further. Newell later commented that he was impressed with the Digipen team as "they had actually carried the concept through", already having included the interaction between portals and physics, completing most of the work that Valve would have had to commit on their own.

    The gel mechanic comes from Tag Team's Tag: The Power of Paint, a DigiPen student-developed game that won the 2009 Independent Games Festival Student Competition prize. Valve's vice president of marketing, Doug Lombardi, said that upon viewing the student game "the decision to combine their tech with Portal 2 came naturally".Wolpaw recalled that they had already considered the nature of surfaces in Portal in a binary fashion, whether or not it would allow for a portal to be created on it, and the ability to modify surface properties in the manner that Tag did was an obvious extension of that. Tag Team was subsequently hired by Valve, though initially their work was to "develop Tag in an interesting way" according to Wolpaw, only some time later being brought into the Portal 2 team.

    the wikipedia articles for both games are great reads if you're really into portal.

    oh yeah, and last thing if you're going to discuss plot or new game mechanics please do it like this:

    > do it like this[/color]/code:1f40lshk]
    , so it'll look like this:

    do it like this

    and you can highlight the text if you want to read it

  • One of the most absurd things is paying for DLC which is already on the disc. Capcom has no shame...

    yeah, capcom is one of the main companies I was thinking of

    I am forced to add one fact about XBL, though. It is set up and maintained better than PSN or the Wii's online.

    yeah, although my friend who is a recent convert to ps3 after his latest bricked 360 says the actual smoothness of online play doesn't seem to be much better or worse on either system. but the 360 dashboard looks about 800 times better, and has a real ui instead of just a line of stuff. I chalk that up to microsofts unrivaled experience creating user interfaces and reliable networks. I mean...they make windows, the most ubiquitous piece of software period, and an OS no less. sony and wii have alot of catching up to do understanding networks and UI. but once again, this is experience that makes that possible, not so much charging people for XBL


  • well, obviously there's no way to resolve this, but I stand firm despite your additional arguments in my personal belief that paying for xboxlive is a horrible direction for things to be headed, and that they are providing no service that shouldn't be free (including updating, maintaining, and upgrading their own network, why wouldn't they?). also, valve tactics compared to ms is laughable, tf2 came out in what year? and nonstop its been constantly getting new maps, modes, weapons, rebalancing, and of course bug fixes, etc, with no extra charge. the problem isn't companies trying to make money. there's just a certain line I think ms crossed when they started charging for online play, and when they started pressuring each developer about everything they try to release. thanks for the comic strip btw, the girl is cute

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