See this issue:
If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, otherwise it won't be investigated.
At the moment this is the only viable option for us, as it depends on WebView2, which Microsoft have released only for UWP. If they released it for GDK we'd support that too. As there is no other alternative for us, perhaps if you ask Microsoft they will make an exception - I would guess it's just a policy they have and not a technical requirement.
See the 'Documentation' tab for details. Microsoft also provide lots of documentation.
You can (and should) use the latest version of Visual Studio when exporting for Xbox - there is no requirement to use VS2017 specifically. (That is only necessary to build the wrapper extension DLL itself, but if you're just using this plugin in a project, it's already built.)
Sometimes beta releases have issues - in that case you can always roll back to any earlier release yourself via the releases page.
No, it's for the Windows WebView2 export only at the moment.
We're a team, it's not all me! DiegoM deserves a lot of credit too.
'Set position' tries to change the velocity to match the position update. 'Teleport' just moves the physics body position without manipulating the velocity. It makes it easier to make 'portal' style systems (e.g. where an object is thrown in to a portal and appears out another, preserving its velocity).
You can enable it when the polygon shape is convex for more reliable drawing. If the shape is concave you should leave the option off.
Maybe you bundled the addon with your project. Try right-clicking on the project and selecting tools -> view used addons.
Glad to hear it's sorted!
If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, as otherwise it's usually impossible to help.
Member since 21 May, 2007
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