If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines, as otherwise it's usually impossible to help.
Please note if you are referring to this issue, then that currently appears to be a problem with Android, not Construct.
They should exist and I made test addons to test them and verify they worked. Maybe you're looking on the wrong interfaces.
Edit: oops, maybe I forgot to merge them to the release branch. Can it wait another couple of weeks? Trying to do stuff in a hurry makes it more likely accidents happen...
Updated the link. You can file such problems as issues on the tracker.
Replacing an effect with a few lines of code is one thing, but I think replacing a behavior with a couple of thousand lines of code used in thousands of projects is another matter, and would probably end up being a total support nightmare.
If you run in to any problems please file an issue following all the guidelines.
The main reason it's a separate plugin is because it brings in a medium sized JavaScript library for handling CSV. If it was built in to the Array object, it would bloat every project using Array with a CSV library, even if the project doesn't use CSV at all. So it helps keep projects lightweight.
The CSV plugin should be doing exactly the same thing as it would if it was built in to the Array object. What limitations does it have?
Is TSV basically exactly the same as CSV but with a tab instead of comma as the delimiter? If so it may be easy add support by having a parameter for the delimiter character. Adding .tsv file support shouldn't be too bad either.
Please report any problems to the issue tracker as things only mentioned in comments are easily lost and forgotten.
Just import as "./utils.js" even in your TypeScript file - then it's correct after compilation, and TypeScript still knows that you mean to import "./utils.ts" in your TypeScript code.
In VS Code press Ctrl+Shift+B and select 'watch' to enable auto-compilation.
We highlighted that change in the r348 release notes over 3 months ago now. The upgrade to the Google Play Billing Library meant using a completely new and rewritten version of cordova-plugin-purchase, and that expression was too difficult to port over to the new libraries. If you need access to a specific piece of data we could possibly implement that, but exposing chunks of raw JSON is difficult to keep backwards compatible and so probably wasn't a good design to begin with.
I just tried v1.0.1 and it seems to work fine for me. Perhaps the problem is unrelated to the Steamworks plugin.
I would generally recommend using WebView2 if you can, but note it is currently only available in beta releases, so there may yet be bugs uncovered. If you want to be cautious you could wait until the next stable release.
Support for Remote Preview is a good point, I'll see if we can get something set up for that. Hopefully it won't be too difficult.
I assume Microsoft will make an installer for WebView2, which you could bundle with the macOS app.
Member since 21 May, 2007
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