I'm pleased to study a bit you capx and work around with Multiplayer plugin for tests. One thing remains obscure to me : in the "enemy" part, which seems to be shared by both host and peer, you gave a random point for the enemy patrol behavior ai. I don't understand how this does not conflict with multiple connected instances of the game. I mean, is the random function already synched when in multiplayer for secure random number generation ? (Or do we have to program this by ourself ?) I saw that it works, but why ? Why this function does not return different values ? And why it is done on the peer instance ? This should be only on the host that make all the calculations and send to peer via multiplayer messages or synched objects, although I know there's many ways to implement game logic in multiplayer (like host does main calculations and send results, or host and peer have the same simulation synchronized by functions, etc...).
Is it because the TankBase is synched so when you do a modification, it's done once ?
I saw that you disabled a random angle set at Projectile object creation. Is it for the same reason ? Because the object is not synched, so you can't use random function and set the spawner object's angle to be sure it shared ?
I miss something. Do you have some time to explain me more ? I feel lost ! The multiplayer plugin is the most difficult to deal with in Construct 2.
By the way, thanks for your useful template !