mario4ever's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi

    I Try to Get Data From Firebase Is There any Example (capx) , I Jut Need To Get Value Of Key



  • Hi,
    sorry for the late respone.
    Not from scratch. The project is optimize for cocoon, however you can replace each plugin with the cordova plugin.
    I'm currently working on a cordova version, I can notify you here once it's done.

    No Problem ^^

    You Are Doing Greet job & I Will Waiting notify from you when make cordova version .

    Thanks to you ^^

  • Cocoon Shutdown . Is game Still Working With Cordova Plugins and Can I Build it With Cordova ?


    May not be very efficient code, but it works.

    I Edited It Becouse if Layout Width Large Control Will Not Work I Change It To X

    & Many many thanks DOP, Thankful for your help. God bless you.

  • Hello

    I tried To Make Twin virtual joystick

    1 : Use For Move Player

    2 : Use For Move Angle Hand & Shoot

    Example :

    I Tried To Make It & Tried A Lot Of Examples and Exported For Android & Tested But I Get Stop Touch On One Of Twin virtual joystick I Get No MultiTouch For Twin Stick

    Please If There Any Example For What I Explain In Image Work On Android MultiTouch Please Upload It To Help ^^


  • Please help.

  • > Please record video how to install it because I'm tired from problems I get white page when I go to setup folder. Please help


    Try making a

    die (phpinfo());[/code:3srqn8kh] in the setup file.
    I guess your PHP version is below 5.6.
    So please go to your host and upgrade it to 5.6.

    I upgrade php to 5.6 from host and setup work ? but When I write data get this error

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Please record video how to install it because I'm tired from problems I get white page when I go to setup folder. Please help

  • I'm uploaded my game on my web host . i need to know how download game from web host When Connect to Internet in android (Game Work Online) . and i need to know how get last data downloaded from web host when not connected to internet (make Game Work offline when internet does not Connected)

    if anyone can give me a example (capx) to make it easy will be nice , please help

    Thanks ..

  • Problem Description

    hi i try make game with google play service to login to game and get Highscore

    when i added action to load image player and player name after signed in & Request player details i see dont work when start layout on browser

    this is my actions if there action please tell me but i think i do everthing right .. please help

    Attach a Capx

    Cant Upload Capx Becouse App ID & Secret Information For Google Play Service

    Description of Capx

    When Start layout On Browser . Will Ask player To Sign In With Google Play

    After Sign In And Request player details

    The Game Dont Get Player Name and avatar From Google Profile

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • dont get player name ( FamilyName & GivenName) from google after sign in
    • dont get avatar from google after sign in

    Observed Result

    after sign in the text not get player name on google

    after sign in the sprite not load player avatar on google

    Expected Result

    Google Sign In successfully with no error

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (Yes)
    • FireFox: (Yes)
    • Internet Explorer: (Yes)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 7 Ultimate - Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    r221 32-bit

  • Problem Description

    I Cant Make Level Selector And Select level To Go After End Level 1 Go To Level 2

    And Im Download Examples Every Time Frames Changes From 2 Levels & Not Same Sprites In Every Level To Unlock There Is Diffrient Form Level 1 & 2 . Im watched Video Tourtals & download Examples and There Same Problem

    Please If There Plug-in For to Do Levels Selector or Example (capx) Please Tell Me Becouse Im Tired From Trying

    Affected Browsers

    • FireFox: (YES)

    Construct 2 Version (210)

    Please Help Me

  • It seems you are saying that you saw some assets in the unity store, but then found them elsewhere using searches, and want to know if it's ok to use them?

    If this is the case, then I would say the answer is a resounding no.

    When it boils down to it, the choice is yours to make, but it is obvious to anyone that unless you create the assets, or purchase them, or find some free assets, then you could be on dodgy ground, especially using assets 'found' on the net.

    Okay I understand it, thank you for helping

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Member since 7 Feb, 2015

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