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  • Can you link to the sprites on the Asset Store?

    can i get your mail to setnt the link

  • Not too sure exactly what you're asking for here, but it all depends on what the listing on the Unity Asset store said.

    If it's a paid sprite pack and you've taken it without paying, then it's likely that the owner won't be too happy if you use them in your game.

    If you paid for them , then I imagine that you've paid for the right to use them in your game, though you should check the actual listing in the Unity Store to make sure.

    If it's a free pack, then you should be okay to use them in your game, but again you should check the listing.

    Hope that helps.

    i have sprites but i did not buy it in Unity Asset store

    Because I do not own any means of payment for the purchase does this affect the rights of publishing the game on Google Play or not?

    Thanks ^^

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  • Hi everyone,

    (I do not know the English language well I apologize if there are errors the topic)

    I am currently working on a new start in the game but the problem is in sprites that inside the game I have not draw it but I have found it in a store: assetstore.unity3d .com

    It is similar to Scirra store of ..

    I found important sprites

    But I did not buy because I've found already after search

    Question Is it right to the owner of sprites that removes my own game from Google Play or whether it is normal

    Another question Can I use any character I want to use in the game, or is there rights belonging to this character for a certain company, and I want to make it clear

    The character that I've found, such as a rabbit or a knight, and so places and some music

    Does this cause problems in the game or I have the right to do what I want in my own game and will not happen anything like remove the game because of copyright ..

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Member since 7 Feb, 2015

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