Justin1967's Recent Forum Activity

  • This new clip shows:

    -centipede entering the field of mushrooms

    -poison mushrooms when the scorpion collides with a mushroom

    -spider movement (may need some fine-tuning)

    -change color scheme when all centipede segments destroyed

    -regeneration of hit and poisoned mushrooms when player hit


  • Since I have lost all of the centipede files, I decided to renew this one because of the numerous requests.

    This short video will show:

    -centipede movement (left, right, up, and down)

    -collision with mushroom and player laser


    Take notice when centipede splits. New head is created and the new centipede continues from its current path.

    I hope to have fine-tuned the centipede movement before this Monday.

  • The *.capx file has been updated.

    Mario gets stuck while going down the ladder and reaches the floor.

    I changed spr_player Is overlapping spr_mask_frame to spr_player Is overlapping spr_mask_frame at offset (0,4)

  • Thanks jobel for pointing out dt on non-behavior movement. I didn't find the need to add dt here in this example because it's not heavy on the processor :)

    Where are you getting stuck?

  • Somebody recently asked me if they should use both the Platform and 8-Directional behavior to move up and down ladders.

    My answer was, "You could, but...".

    There are quit a few tutorials covering this topic, using both the Platform and 8-Direction behavior.

    But, I like to go with just the Platform behavior, with only 2 instance variables for the player and the use of gravity. In the *.capx file (link below) you can see how this is achieved in a Donkey Kong platformer. This approach only uses 7 events. I have commented each event for those of you who are new to Construct 2.

    The graphics and sprites used in this demonstration are just for educational purposes only. Do not use these in any other way without consent from the owner/publisher/company.

    I hope this demonstration will help those creating games with ladders :)


  • **CLOSED**

    Tried this at work. It's a graphics card issue.

  • I don´t think it´s a C2 bug because I have used the particle system a few revisions back

    1. I create a new layout

    2. I only add a particle object (blue square object for the particle so it will be easy to see.

    When I run the scene nothing shows in Firefox, Chrome or NW.js. I know it´s running because in the debug layout I can see values changing.

    Does anyone know why the particles are not showing?


    Strange thing is even when installing earlier C2 revisions no particles are showing...grrrr...

    Construct 2 r265 stable

    Firefox Quantum 65.0.1 (32-bits)

    Chrome Versie 72.0.3626.109 (Official build) (32-bits)

    NW.js v0.36.0 (Chromium 72)

    Windows 10 build 1809

  • Looking at the code, it should work just fine with C3...

    If not, then I will re-write it for C3.



  • An example of slow motion


    Click the green ball.


  • Hey hyem, so sorry that I just read your post. Sure, I will make a small tut on the movement, collision and direction. I´ll post Saturday West European time. Around lunch time : ) 1 pm.

  • Thanks for the positive feedback NetOne. There is still only one thing left to do....when the Popcorn Music is at its fastest then the remaining Sno-Bees should head off to one of the corners and die :)

    I think I will have this implemented before the week is done.

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  • NetOne minor update...collision Pengo & Sno-Bee fixes as requested :)


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