Justin1967's Recent Forum Activity

  • Short update all.

    Came down with the flu a weeks ago and could not work on this project. Feeling better now and will continue on Back To The 80's - Pengo.

  • Hi AySquirrel,

    I ran into this bug last night. I fixed this and I also added 6 ×.json files with data for creating the levels. I will finish the remaining 10 tonight. I didn't have time to upload the update ☹️

    Things left to do:

    - Sno-Bee collision with Pengo

    - Intermission screens

    - C2 code clean up

    Thank you for testing things out.

  • Version 1.1 has been uploaded to the Scirra Arcade.


    The maze is now created by reading in the data. So far...just 1 level. I wil finish the last 15 before Sunday. Sound has also been added.

  • Added squash animation and points in the maze.

  • Added bonus animation with bonus sound. Flashing stars on the border and flashing blocks.

  • Added the lining up of the diamond cubes. When 2 or 3 diamonds are lined up horizontally or vertically, then animation for the diamond cubes kicks in.

    Still need to add the Sno-Bee crushers, bonus animation maze, some scoring and 15 more levels.

    For the levels I will be using and array that will read in the data for the maze. This for simplicity and efficiency.

    I don't know if I will add the intermission screens, I'll have to think about this :)

    Let me know what you guys think of this so far. Comments really appreciated.

  • Thanks Didn't notice this one. Fixed.

  • I have received 100+ requests for this one. So, I got my graph paper out and started laying stuff out. The sprites took me at least 2 weeks to finish. Pixel art in PS is really not my thing.

    I still have a few things to sort out, but still, here are a few images.

    Use arrow keys to move LEFT RIGHT UP DOWN

    Arrow key + Space Bar to move or destroy blocks and activate walls

    Exported to HTML 5 website, Chrome version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (32-bit) and still no sound. Buggers!


  • Version 4.0 has been uploaded to Scirra Arcade. Thanks to Richard Keel for the collaboration.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/shooting- ... on=updated


    -improvement centipede movement (pinned segments)

    -advancing next level centipede shorter by a segment and an extra centipede head


    -spider movement

    -increase centipedes movement when at the bottom of the player area

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  • Wow. Impressive work!

    Thank you gameglaux. 3 weeks working it all out on paper and Photoshop. Adding the finishing touches. I do like these kind of games, but what I like the most is figuring out how it was all done!

  • Nice and rocksolid!

    good work - i like it!

    Thank you mercuryus! Still a few tweaks to make, need to add in the spider and difficulty every new centipede. I hope to finish this all by tonight

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