As i am working alot with this tool lately i want to give you some feedback:
1) pleaxe fix the order, i know this is an issue with many programms but its a lot easyer in many cases to sort by id, for example dfinding the highest...
2) in the manual you should point out a little more what the Resultset is and how to work with it, some examples might be nice <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">
3) it would be a nice to have to search for "empty values" and insert a placeholder like "description missing"
4) IMPORTANT sometimes i accedentally drag and drop. what happens then is that a whole row gets ovewritten and the data is lost... there is no back button. the only solution is to close the editor and open the file new with all changes lost...
this happened to me 5 times now and everytime i have to start over again. in addition whith the ID sorting problem its very hard to see if a line is missing or not. also, why cant i copy an existing row into a new one?
that would save me a lot of time beacause many objects have similar values....
besides of that this tool is the "safer of asses"!