Peachanas's Recent Forum Activity

  • Is the red pointer at the bottom which animation you're currently playing? It's difficult to tell when the player actually changes animation because he's so small.

    Oh, it's okay. I did something different, I made the attack animation primary and I just play around with the opacity. Seems to work fine.

  • Hi, I have a character that automatically attacks when the enemy is in a Line of sight. I use pathfinding for the players movement system, but I am having trouble with the attack animation when the player is moving along path.

    Here is what I get:

    I want it to actually animate when the player is moving, now its static unless the player isn't moving. It freezes.

    Here is my setup:

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  • Thank you, trying this now.

    EDIT: Works, thank you so much for your help!

  • Setup (not working):

    I made a spawner sprite to get coordinates from but I am unable to fetch the uid with my current setup.

    Frontend Goal:

    What it currently does with my setup:

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  • You can probably simplify all those creates actions, by adding an instance variable to the thumbnail (with the name of Meme) then on Mouse Click - Create Name Object By name and pass in the instance variable of the thumbnail.

    Awesome I will try this, thank you for your time!

    Edit: Works! TYSM :D

  • Geez, that's a lot. I can't really tell what's going on.

    Could you send screenshots? Or a project link?

    Exacly why I need a better way to do it XD

    There's about 60 of these for each thumbnail

  • So atm my setup looks like this:

    But as you can see, thats a lot of on click... What would be a better way to do this?

    P.s. The thumbnails are setup in a different family than the Meme templates.

  • curFrame variable is local, it's reset to default value at the end of each tick. You need to set it as Static - then it will remember its value.

    Check your other local variables, you may need to make some of them static as well.

    AH Voila! works now XD Thanks so much!

  • I currently have this setup

    But it doesn't work as expected (obviously since I'm here...hehe)

    Also here is the result of the setup:

    I want to import new images to different frames in runtime, how would I go about doing this?

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  • So has support for this plugin been dropped?

    Doesn't appear to be much activity on here from the developer?

    I have issue but seeing as my last issue wasn't addressed I don't hold out any hope.

    I want to create objects at runtime and add them to the content of the "scrollview content" object. At design time you would have your scrollview object which you assign the content object to which you can then parent other objects to.

    I am trying to therefore do that last bit at runtime (parent the created objects to the scrollview content). However, I could find a "parent" action, I could however find an action to set the children to the "scroll view content". This works, however, doing so the scales the children to the parent, and there are no available actions to set the local scale or just not have this happen.

    I requested a refund from construct, I suggest you do the same.

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Member since 12 Mar, 2022

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