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  • From the manual:



    The original dimensions of the object (its current animation frame image size), in pixels. Since objects can be stretched at runtime causing the normal Width and Height expressions to return different values, these can be used to get the original size regardless of the stretched size.

    Its a matter of approach.

    perhaps, give the Templates a variable, "SelectedScale" (number)

    When sliding the slider scale, set the value of the Templates.SelectedScale, followed by setting that value in the Templates scale propperties.

    When selected the image to edit, grab their SelectedScale and set in the slider.

    Awesome, thank you for your input. Will try this.


    Should work fine. You probably have a picking issue.

    You might be right. When I pick an other image, well let me show you instead...

    My english isn't great, so I'm better off showing it in video XD

  • I'm using a slider to scale images/sprites, so when I click on an other image, I want the slider to take the image's scale and set it as it's value.

    I can set the scale to the slider's value, but not the other way around, as seen here:

    How could I make this happen?

  • Proof of success *Cheers

  • Family objects Also have a UID (Templates.UID)


    Give that "text" an instance variable: ToDelete (number)

    Below set Text action, add:

    set value ToDelete = Templates.UID

    add a condition to that delete:

    Famlity Templates >> pick by UID (Text.ToDelete)

    Action Templates destroy

    This will leave your object name mechanic intact and add functionality to delete the template based on it's unique ID.

    Ooof, ok took me some time to visualise this since I'm a very visual person, but thanks to it, I understood. Thank you so much and it works like a charm, also, I can use the method for the other tools! You are awesome.

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  • So I'm trying to delete selected meme within a family that will be instanced.

    Here is my current setup:

    I tried finding something related to "Destroy By Name" but I can't find an equivalent, so I'm guessing I will have to find a workaround for it, but I am not yet familiar enough with JS or Construct to make it. So here we are lol

    How do I delete a specific selection?

  • I am having trouble using the plugins, the scrollview doesn't work and the parenting doesn't work. Maybe it's me, but i followed video tutorials, and started some over about 4-5 times.

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Member since 12 Mar, 2022

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