Hi Everyone,
In the last few weeks, I tried very hard to export my project to both Android and iOS with very mitigated success. I've encountered many problems that I didn't see referenced anywhere on this site/forum. Some of them are really hard to deal with, and most of them are probably due to the size of my project.
However I never heard anyone saying that it could be problematic to export big projects with Construct 2. Well, from what I've experimented so far, it is. Here are the main problems :
1) Phonegap Build upload is limited to 40 Mb maximum zip files. This is not referenced in the official "How to export to mobile with Phonegap" tutorial. When I first encountered this problem, my project was already 50Mb heavy, and far from being finished. Now after 2 weeks of optimizations I'm under the 40Mb limit, but I still have to add graphics in my game, so the struggle is not over. Is there any workaround with this issue?
2) At the moment, an Intel XDK bug makes Crosswalk export on Android bug if they contain more than 250 images... Well... 250 images is what some people on the project told here :
(remove the _ in the link)
https_://crosswalk-project.org/jira/browse/XWALK-2655 (delete "_" as I'm not able to post links)
But at the moment I reduced the number of image in my project from 270 to less than 220, and the bug is still here. What I call "the bug" is the app crashing as soon as the game begin, so it can't be published. I know from
IntelRobert that the staff is actively working on this problem, but if it's not fixed very soon I will be unable to publish to android via XDK.
3) The loading time of th APK of my project exported with XDK/Crosswalk is also very problematic. Here is how my game launches :
- My custom splash screen for about 2 seconds.
- A completely black screen for about 30 seconds ! (most users will be gone)
- The Construct 2 default loading screen (little blue bar) for about 5/10 seconds
- THEN, finally, my (very light) customized loading screen for about 2 seconds (!!!!!!!)
This loading time seems to repeat itself each time I start the APK, not only the first time.
For reference, the Android export has been tested on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, 7"
Thanks in advance for any help/comment/advice !