Les versions Beta ne sont pas autant testées que les versions Stables
Improvements to timeline audio tracks; bug fixes
30 November, 2021 ()
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We're continuing to work towards a stable release, ideally before the end of the year, and so this release focuses on reliability. There are however some more improvements for using the new timeline audio tracks feature, such as previewing audio when playing in the editor.
Other than that there's mostly bug fixes, including for a couple of regressions in the previous release, and more timeline related fixes.
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Exécuter r274
Nouveaux ajouts
Timeline bar: automatically add the Audio plugin to a project when an audio track is created
Timeline bar: preview audio track in the editor by hitting play on the timeline
Timeline bar: preview chunks of audio tracks when scrubbing the playhead in the editor
Corrections de bug
Crash inverting condition (regression r273)
Tweens & Timelines: runtime crash loading saved state (regression r273)
Timeline bar: give similar feedback to that of keyframes when disabling an audio track
Timeline bar: timeline preview starts from the current position of the playhead
Timelines: audio tracks not resuming at the correct time after a 'Set time' action
Timelines: make sure an audio track starts playing as soon as the audio context is allowed to play sound
Scene graph: fix various issues where hierarchies could end up in undefined states causing the editor to crash
Bookmarks bar: fix small styling issues
Firefox: add behavior/effect dialogs did not focus search field
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