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add a color with additive blending (supports webGL and webGPU)
Change the color palette by choosing 4 colors, with optional dithering (webGL and webGPU)
Applies a multiply blend, but only when the background is white
3 color gradient depth fog exponential (webGL and webGPU)
Easystar tilemap based pathfinding from magistross and updated by C3 community
change color based on a three color gradient mapped by lightness (webGL and webGPU)
Build Social Apps, Chats and Advanced Lists using Firebase Realtime-Database
This plugin could find matched pattern in a sequence of symbols. I'm not the author of this addon, I just ported it.
Rifle scope/Mini map. webgl, webgpu
Animated . webgl, webgpu
Color Vignette with some additional parameters (webGL and webGPU)
Use the native color picker dialogue on android and ios to pick a color. Based on avargaskun's cordova plugin.
Firebase Authentication Web App
A port of Rex's mode 7 effect
Define a slice through an object and display only left or right of the object