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Official GameAnalytics SDK for Construct 2/3
Use 3rd party js libraries (including JQuery), call javascript functions, access object properties and methods. Implement game objects, and algorithms in javascript.
RainbowRex plugins
Allows you to use Spriter animations within Construct 2
Allows you to organize data. Handle global-reach variables without using global variables and much more.
Spritefont+ from Construct2 in order to use for migrating to construct 3
Use native-like pointer locking in your Construct projects.
An advanced version of the Drag and drop behavior. This drags and drops objects either by mouse or touch with advanced bounding features.
A Construct 2 behavior to enhance the platform behavior and make the character follow the ground angle accurately.
Add more collision boxes to your object
Creates a secondary canvas to render Three JS objects
Adds a queue data structure.
Represents a 3D Camera. This behavior will use the X and Y coordinates of the instance to position itself. The angle is used as the Y angle. (Requires SimpleThree)
Blend solid RGB colors on top of the image.
Manage inputs easily