
  • License MIT License
  • Copyright Gabriele Scaggiante. All rights reserved.


  • Download count247 total downloads
  • Latest download count 247 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


This dithering effect uses ordered Bayer dithering to apply a nice pixellated effect on sprites, using a limited set of colors.

There are 3 aviable parameters:

- colorDetail: indicates the amount of colors for each rgb color channel, giving, as result, a total color count of colorDetail ^ 3. (ex: with colorDetail = 2, we would have a maximum of 2^3= 8 colors in our image)

- pixelSize: the size (in pixels) of each new pixel making up the new image.

- spread: this value is used to intensify or reduce the strength of the dithering effect. It represents the spread in color space.