Addon ID

  • RichardLems_RimLight



  • Download count628 total downloads
  • Latest download count 628 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


What does it look like:

A rim light is placed behind a subject that exposes the outline or rim of the subject with light. This lighting highlights the contours of a subject and creates a dramatic and mysterious effect.

This effect can be very helpful to make objects stand out and add some texture to a game scene. In Photoshop or other similar software you can quickly fake such an effect by applying an 'inner-shadow' effect with a bright color to an image.

Following that logic, I created a GLSL effect for Construct 3 which does exactly that. By playing with the effect parameters and making the effect move, you can make a pretty convincing back light!

This addon is provided completely free. Feel free to use it in any of your projects.

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