Addon ID

  • SecureData



  • Download count526 total downloads
  • Latest download count 335 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


This plugin is a Dictionary plugin with simple encryption (it does not create any load on the CPU, so it can be safely used on mobile devices).

At the moment, only added to the main action, such as the Add key, Set key, Add to key, Subtract from key. Add and Subtract, respectively, work only with numerical data. That is, if you have a key with text value, and you try to take it away from it using these actions, it will cause an error value, and value in the key will be NaN.

The contents of the storage are available in two versions: JSON containing the only data keys (to save the data storage within the application through LocalStorage) and JSONWithKey containing the above all else the key for encryption (for data storage between applications with different keys encryption). Upload can be relevant action.