Addon ID

  • Sparsha_copyclip



  • Download count1,164 total downloads
  • Latest download count 554 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average



Allows you to manage clipboard data- copy text to clipboard or get current clipboard text

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  • It would be great if this plugin worked with Worker mode which is now the default for all C3 projects.

    • Yes you are right. Worker mode is now also available on Android from now on. I am updating all my other plugins too.

      However this will mean you won't be able to open your older c3p projects. So I am trying to make a tool that will convert your c3p project from no-worker to yes-worker mode for my plugins.

      After that you will also be able to open your older c3p projects.

  • Currently, with worker mode off as instructed, testing in preview the type 1 action is not working at all. Type 2 works in preview, but not in final HTML5 export.

    • Hi, I just tested, and it is working on my end. You might have some errors. Can you try opening the Developer Tools > Console, (press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J)

      Then check for any errors, and send screenshots if you find some.

      • Tested again with complete fresh project, r293.3 stable. No errors in console for the type 1 in preview not working. Exported the fresh project to html5 to test with type 2, also no errors in console. Weird!

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  • Currently does not work on mobile phones.

  • I can't get this to work. I tried turning off worker mode. Anything else I can try?

  • Please update plugin for this request.

  • Hello, this plugin looks very useful, unfortunately it doesn't work in my configurations (although based on workers). What is the compatibility matrix? Any chances it is extended in the future? Thanks!

  • Hi, do it able to copy specify text instead of whole text?

    For example: Adidas 10PercentOFF

    Copy "10PercentOFF" without copying Adidas