Addon ID

  • Straskal_Renderbug



  • Download count1,150 total downloads
  • Latest download count 103 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


The Renderbug plugin gives you additional visual debugging for your game during runtime.

Support notes

Renderbug has a fail safe implemented in the case that a renderer breaks. If an error is encountered, it is logged to the console, the problematic renderer is trashed, and that drawing feature will be unavailable until a fix is in place.

Getting started

To use Renderbug, simply drag an instance into your layout.

Once you've got a Renderbug in your layout, you can use its settings to configure what is drawn and the color of that item.

Renderbug currently supports drawing for:

  • Sprite bounding boxes and collision polygons
  • Tilemap bounding boxes and collision polygons
  • Line of sight cones
  • Pathfinding grids, obstacles, and paths.
    • The pathfinding feature requires you to provide an instance UID to draw for.

Reporting issues

If you find any bugs, please create a github issue here: