Addon ID

  • Mikal_ElementQuad



  • Download count700 total downloads
  • Latest download count 603 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


SetElementId to the Id of the document element to be used as a texture. The texture is updated every frame to match the document element. As an example, this is being used in a Spine template project to map a webgl rendered Spine animation on a separate canvas to a quad on C3 screen and integrated with other C3 objects and layers on the C3 canvas.

For multiple element quads with different sources, experiment with using Clone vs Copy of the instance, this has not been tested yet.

The element can be can be one of the following types: HTMLImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement, ImageBitmap, OffscreenCanvas or ImageData. Note in worker mode the DOM types cannot be used (HTMLImageElement, HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement); in this case use ImageBitmap or OffscreenCanvas instead.