

  • Download count1,030 total downloads
  • Latest download count 649 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


  • Stable

    Version 1.3

    • Released 18 Nov, 2018

    This release includes a few changes such as FOV function, Islands detection, and Multiple tiles for floor and walls. Also i have organized the plugin aces into categories to make it easier to find stuff. I have also uploaded 2 new example projects that test the new stuff added.

  • Stable

    Version 1.2

    • Released 9 Oct, 2018

    This release has breaking changes with expression!!!

    Removed the Word Get from all the expression, this was redundant and just made the expressions longer to type (sorry!)

    I have also fixed some spelling typos in some of the descriptions,

    and I have added a few new actions and expression to assist with the saving and loading of map

    • ACTION - Download map as JSON file
    • ACTION - Load Map JSON to TileMap
    • ACTION - Load Map JSON to Memory
    • EXPRESSION - As Json (returns current map as JSON string)

    the example project has been update to work, with all the new expressions and i also added examples of loading and savingthe map

  • Beta

    Version 1.0

    • Released 7 Oct, 2018

    this release include all the rng and generation methods from rot.js (arena,maze,cellular-automata,dungeons)