
  • Deprecated addon Deprecated
  • License MIT License
  • Copyright Pascal Gräml. All rights reserved.


  • Download count2,952 total downloads
  • Latest download count 1,018 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

  • Actions

    {my} Initialize {0}: Ease {1}. X: {2}, Y: {3}, W: {4}, H: {5}, A: {6}, O: {7}, Duration: {8}, Repeat: {9}, RepeatDelay: {11}, Yoyo: {10}

    Initialize a tween. Use strings to NOT tween a property.

    {my} {1} tween {0}

    Start or reverse a tween

    {my} Pause current tween

    Pause the current tween

    {my} Resume current tween

    Resume the current tween

    {my} Initialize timeline {0}, {...}

    Initialize a timeline

    {my} Start timeline {0}

    Start or reverse a timeline

    {my} Save current state {0}

    Save the objects current state. Useful for saving the initial state before tweening.

    {my} Load state {0}

    Load a previously saved state.

    {my} Save state {0}. X: {1}, Y: {2}, W: {3}, H: {4}, A: {5}, O: {6}

    Save a particular state. Use strings to NOT save a property.

  • Conditions

    {my} {0} is tweening

    If the tween is currently running

    {my} {0} is reversing

    If the tween is currently reversing

    {my} {0} is delaying

    If the tween is delaying.

    {my} ANY is delaying

    If the tween is delaying.

    {my} {0} on complete

    Triggers when the tween has completed

    {my} {0} reverse on complete

    Triggers when the tween has completed reversing.

    {my} ANY is tweening

    If any tween is currently tweening.

    {my} ANY is reversing

    If any tween is currently reversing.

    {my} {0} is active

    If the tween is active, regardless of direction.

    {my} ANY is active, regardless of direction.

    If ANY tween is currently active

    {my} ANY on complete

    Triggers when ANY tween has completed

    {my} ANY reverse on complete

    Triggers when ANY tween has completed reversing.

    {my} ANY on finished

    Triggers when ANY tween has finished, including repeats.

    {my} ANY reverse on finished

    Triggers when ANY tween has finished reversing, including repeats.

    {my} {0} on finished

    Triggers when the tween has finished, including repeats.

    {my} {0} reverse on finished

    Triggers when the tween has finished reversing, including repeats.

    {my} Timeline {0} on finished

    Triggers when the timeline has finished entirely.

    {my} Timeline {0} is active

    True if the timeline is currently playing.

    {my} ANY timeline is active

    True if ANY timeline is currently playing.

  • Expressions


    Returns the current tweens progress between 0-1. Note that Yoyo will reverse the tween progress like 0-1-0


    Returns the current tweens ID. Returns empty if not currently active.


    Returns the individual tweens and delays of the current timeline, seperated by "|", e.g. tween1|tween2|5|tween3. Make use of "tokenat" if needed. Returns empty if not currently active.


    Returns the current timelines ID. Returns empty if not currently active.


    Returns the current timelines progress between 0 and the timelines length - 1


    Returns the current tweens repeat count. Note that Yoyo counts as 2 repeats.


    Returns a property previously saved. Returns empty if state or property not found.