Addon ID

  • overboy_array_b


  • License MIT License
  • Copyright icon Copyright Overboy, Federico Calchera. All rights reserved.


  • Download count4 total downloads
  • Latest download count 4 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    {my}: Clear to {0}

    Reset all values.

    {my}: Set size to ({0}, {1}, {2})

    Set the number of elements on each axis of the array.

    {my}: Set value at {0} to {1}

    Set the value at an X position (1D) in the array.

    {my}: Set value at ({0}, {1}) to {2}

    Set the value at an X,Y position (2D) in the array.

    {my}: Set value at ({0}, {1}, {2}) to {3}

    Set the value at an X,Y,Z position (3D) in the array.

  • Conditions

    {my}: Value at {0} {1} {2}

    Compare the value at an X position (1D) in the array.

    {my}: Value at ({0}, {1}) {2} {3}

    Compare the value at an X,Y position (2D) in the array.

    {my}: Value at ({0}, {1}, {2}) {3} {4}

    Compare the value at an X,Y,Z position (3D) in the array.

    {my}: Contains value {0}

    Test if the array contains a value (at any element).

    {my}: Is empty

    Test if the array is empty and contains no elements.

    {my}: {0} size {1} {2}

    Compare the size of one of the array dimensions.

  • Expressions


    Get value from the array. Add second or third parameters to specify Y and Z indices.


    Get the number of elements on the X axis of the array.


    Get the number of elements on the Y axis of the array.


    Get the number of elements on the Z axis of the array.


    Get the front value on the X axis (at 0, 0, 0).


    Get the back value on the X axis (at w-1, 0, 0).


    Find first X index of matching value, or -1 if not found.


    Find last X index of matching value, or -1 if not found.

For Each

  • Conditions

    {my}: For each {0} element

    Repeat the event for each element in the array.

    {my}: Current value {0} {1}

    Compare the value of the current element in a for-each loop.

  • Expressions


    Get the current X index in a For Each loop.


    Get the current Y index in a For Each loop.


    Get the current Z index in a For Each loop.


    Get the current value in a For Each loop.


  • Actions

    {my}: Load from JSON string {0}

    Load from an array previously encoded in JSON format.

    {my}: Download as JSON data with filename {0}

    Download the contents of the array as a JSON file.

  • Expressions


    Return the contents of the array in JSON format.


  • Actions

    {my}: Push {0} {1} on {2} axis

    Add a new element to the front or back of an axis.

    {my}: Pop {0} on {1} axis

    Remove an element from the front or back of an axis.

    {my}: Reverse {0} axis

    Reverse the order of elements on an axis.

    {my}: Sort {0} axis

    Sort the elements on an axis.

    {my}: Shuffle {0} axis

    Sort the elements on an axis in to a random ordering.

    {my}: Delete index {0} from {1} axis

    Delete an element from an axis.

    {my}: Insert {0} at index {1} on {2} axis

    Insert a new element at an index on an axis.

    {my}: Split string {0} with separator {1} (type {2})

    Set to a one-dimensional array based on splitting a string, e.g. "1,2,3".

  • Expressions


    Combine a one-dimensional array back in to a string.