Addon ID

  • ppstudio_newgroundsio_plugin



  • Download count8 total downloads
  • Latest download count 6 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


The NewgroundsIO Plugin for Construct 3 simplifies the process of integrating your games with the Newgrounds platform, enabling a seamless connection to features like user authentication, leaderboards, medals, cloud saving, and more. With built-in dialogs and support for asynchronous actions, the plugin provides all the tools you need to bring your game to the Newgrounds community.

Key Features

  1. User Authentication: Easily manage user login and logout processes using the simplified login workflow. Once logged in, access user-specific data such as profile information and medals.
  2. Leaderboards & Scoreboards: Incorporate competitive elements into your game by displaying leaderboards and posting player scores. The plugin allows you to create dynamic, real-time scoreboards with minimal setup.
  3. Medals System: Encourage player engagement by unlocking in-game medals. Configure and display medals with the built-in dialog, and ensure players can see their progress toward unlocking each one.
  4. Cloud Saving: NewgroundsIO supports cloud-saving functionality, enabling players to save their game progress in multiple slots. With up to three free slots available, this feature provides persistent data storage for your players.
  5. Built-In Dialogs: Quickly integrate interactive dialogs for medals, scoreboards, and saved slots without the need for custom UI development. These modal dialogs are fully functional and styled to match your game’s icon and branding.
  6. Documentation. Addon ACEs are fully documented here.

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