Addon ID

  • ppstudio_beh_fsm



  • Download count569 total downloads
  • Latest download count 24 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average



Finite State Machine Behavior for C3 allows you to create and manage object states to better structure your game events and overall flow.



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  • Plugin v2 has a major bug. If you try to do a layout restart, the game freezes, and an error _restrict appears in the console. I tried going back to an older version, and everything worked fine. I have to say, this is truly an amazing plugin—thank you for your work.

    • Hi Angelo! I use this plugin intensively and I haven't found an issue. Could you please share a sample project and describe the steps you follow to get the error. What version of construct are you using? Feel free to reach out directly my discord server for support.