Addon ID

  • Xbox_UWP


  • Official Official addon
  • Github Github page
  • Copyright Scirra Ltd. All rights reserved.


  • Download count370 total downloads
  • Latest download count 114 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Conditions

    Is available

    True if running in WebView2 with Xbox UWP features available.

    Is creators title

    True if the 'Creators title' property is checked.

  • Expressions


    In an error trigger, the error message if available.


    The currently configured sandbox such as "XDKS.1". It is empty until you sign in.


    The title ID set in the object's properties.


    The Service Configuration ID (SCID) set in the object's properties.


  • Actions

    Sign in

    Prompt the user to sign in to their account via user interface.

    Sign in silently

    Attempt to sign in the user automatically without showing any user interface.

  • Conditions

    Is signed in

    True if the user is currently signed in to use Xbox Live services.

    On sign in success

    Triggered after 'Sign in' when successfully signed in.

    On sign in error

    Triggered after 'Sign in' when signing in failed.

    On sign in silently success

    Triggered after 'Sign in silently' when successfully signed in.

    On sign in silently error

    Triggered after 'Sign in silently' when signing in failed.

    On sign out completed

    Triggered when user sign out completes.

  • Expressions


    The public gamertag associated with the user.


    The age group of the user.


    The privileges of the user.


    A unique ID associated with this user.


    After attempting sign in, one of "success", "user-interaction-required" or "user-cancel".


  • Actions

    Set presence to active in title {0}

    Set the user's active in title status.

  • Conditions

    On set presence success

    Triggered after 'Set presence' when set successfully.

    On set presence failed

    Triggered after 'Set presence' when failed to set.


  • Actions

    Update achievement {0} to {1} percent complete

    Unlock an achievement or update its progress.

  • Conditions

    On update achievement {0} success

    Triggered after 'Update achievement' when successful for a specific achievent.

    On update achievement {0} failed

    Triggered after 'Update achievement' when failed for a specific achievent.

    On update any achievement success

    Triggered after 'Update achievement' when successful for any achievent.

    On update any achievement failed

    Triggered after 'Update achievement' when failed for any achievent.

  • Expressions


    In an achievement trigger, the associated achievement ID.

Title storage

  • Actions

    Upload binary {2} to title storage {0} path {1} type {3} (storage tag {4})

    Upload the contents of a Binary Data object to title storage.

    Upload text {2} to title storage {0} path {1} type {3} (storage tag {4})

    Upload text to title storage.

    Download binary to {2} from title storage {0} path {1} type {3} (storage tag {4})

    Download binary data from title storage.

    Download text from title storage {0} path {1} type {2} (storage tag {3})

    Download text from title storage.

    Delete title storage {0} path {1} type {2} (storage tag {3})

    Delete an item from title storage.

  • Conditions

    On title storage operation {0} success

    Triggered after a title storage operation completed successfully.

    On title storage operation {0} failed

    Triggered after a title storage operation failed.

    On any title storage operation success

    Triggered after any title storage operation completed successfully.

    On any title storage operation failed

    Triggered after any title storage operation failed.

  • Expressions


    In a title storage trigger, the associated storage tag.


    The downloaded text after successfully downloading from title storage.