Addon ID

  • Colyseus_SDK



  • Download count9,432 total downloads
  • Latest download count 200 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count4 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Set endpoint to {0}

    Format: wss://

  • Expressions


    Get server endpoint


  • Expressions


    Evaluates provided string and return stringified JSON object

Error Handling

  • Conditions

    Error Code {0} {1}

    Compares the error code of the last error received.

    Error Message {0} {1}

    Compares the error message of the last error received.

    On Error (any)

    Triggered when any error come from the Colyseus SDK. (Prefer using specific error handlers such as "On Join Error" rather than this one.)

  • Expressions


    Internal SDK error/exception


    0 → Server is offline


    4210 → No room handler for provided room name type


    4211 → Invalid criteria for room selection


    4212 → Room not found for provided room id


    4213 → Unhandled server error


    4214 → Seat reservation expired.


    4215 → Authentication failed (`onAuth` failed on the server)


    4216 → Application level error


  • Actions

    Join room {0} with options {1}.

    Join a room by name

    Join room {0} with options {1}.

    Join a room by name

    Create room {0} with options {1}.

    Create a room by name

    Join room {0} with options {1}.

    Join an existing room by its ID

    Consume seat reservation with {0}

    Consume a seat reservation made from the server-side

    Reconnect into a room using its cached ReconnectionToken ({0}).

    Reconnect into a previously connected room.

    Get available rooms by name: {0}

    Get available rooms by name, "On Get Available Rooms" is triggered when data is available.

  • Conditions

    On Join Room

    Triggered when joined successfully into a room.

    On Join Error

    Triggered when failing to join a room.

    On Get Available Rooms

    Triggers when available rooms response is ready in the "Value" expresssion.

    For Each Room Available

    Iterates over rooms available (Available during "On Get Available Rooms" condition).


  • Actions

    Leave from the room with consented = {0}

    Disconnect client from the room.

  • Conditions

    On {0} Message

    Triggered when the room broadcasts a message, or sends a message directly to this client.

    On Leave Room

    Triggered when left from a room.

    On State Change

    Triggered after full state updates have been applied. To detect specific changes use conditions under "room state" section.

    On Room Error

    Triggered when an error happened on the server.

  • Expressions


    Get roomId of the room connected.


    Get the name of the room connected.


    Get unique sessionId for the client. (This property matches the client.sessionId from the server-side)


    Get reconnection token to be used in the Reconnect action. (Available during "On Join")


    Get close code from the last disconnection. (Available during "On Leave Room")


    Get last error code


    Get last error message

Room Messages

  • Actions

    Send {0} with {1}

    Send message to a room

    Send {0} with {1}

    Send JSON message to a room

  • Conditions

    Message type {0} {1}

    Returns true if current message type matches the provided value.

    Message value {0} {1}

    Returns true if current message value matches the provided criteria.

    Message value at {0} {1} {2}

    Returns true if current message value at matches the provided criteria.

    Message value of type {0} {1}

    Returns true if current message value type matches the provided criteria.

    Message value at {0} of type {1} {2}

    Returns true if current message value type at matches the provided criteria.

  • Expressions


    Get current message type. (Available during "On Message")


    Get current message value. (Available during "On Message")


    Get a nested value on current message. (Available during "On Message")


    Get the data type of MessageValue. Possible return values: "undefined", "number", "string", "boolean", "object".


    Get the data type of MessageValueAt. Possible return values: "undefined", "number", "string", "boolean", "object".

Room State

  • Conditions

    On change at {0}

    Triggers when a variable changes at a specific path in the state. (e.g. "player.x")

    Value At {0} {1} {2}

    Returns true if current state value at {0} matches the provided criteria.

    Current Value {0} {1}

    Returns true if current value matches the provided criteria.

    Current Value at {0} {1} {2}

    Returns true if current value matches the provided criteria.

    Current Key {0} {1}

    Only available during add/remove of collection items (MapSchema, ArraySchema)

  • Expressions


    Get a value from room's state


    Get current path being evaluated from state


    Get current item key


    Get value from current item


    Get nested value from current item


    Get previous value from current field. Only available during "On change" on an instance variable. Not avaialble for arrays and maps.

Room State: Maps and Arrays

  • Conditions

    For Each Item At {0}

    Iterates over the items of an ArraySchema or MapSchema.

    On item added to {0}

    Triggers when an item is added to ArraySchema or MapSchema.

    On item changed at {0}

    Triggers when an item is changed inside ArraySchema or MapSchema.

    On item removed from {0}

    Triggers when an item is removed from ArraySchema or MapSchema.

    Items Count At {0} {1} {2}

    Compare the number of items at a specific path in the state.

    Current Items Count {0} {1}

    Only available during add/remove of collection items (MapSchema, ArraySchema)

    Array At {0} contains {1}

    Returns true if Array at path in the state has the provided value.

    Map At {0} has {1}

    Returns true if Array at path in the state has the provided value.

  • Expressions


    Get total number of items on current collection. (Available during add/remove item events)


    Get total number of items at a path. (Path must be a MapSchema or ArraySchema)