Addon ID

  • piranha305_queue



  • Download count147 total downloads
  • Latest download count 80 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    Insert {0} in queue.

    Adds a value to the end of the queue.

    Insert {0} in queue with priority {1}.

    Adds a value to the end of the queue with a priority.

    Remove first item from queue.

    Dequeues a value. (can access item from LastDequeuedValue expression)

    Clear queue.

    Clears the queue.

    Shuffle queue.

    Randomly shuffles queue.

    Load queue from JSON {0}.

    Loads the queue from a JSON string.

  • Conditions

    Is queue empty?

    Returns true if the queue is empty.

    Does queue have items?

    Returns true if the queue has items.

    On last item dequeued

    Triggered when the last item is dequeued.

    On item queued

    Triggered when an item is queued. (can access item from LastQueued expression)

    On item dequeued

    Triggered when an item is dequeued. (can access item from LastDequeuedValue expression)

    For each item in queue (pop items: {0})

    Loop through the queue.

  • Expressions


    Returns the last dequeued value.


    Returns the size of the queue.


    Gets the value at the front of the queue without removing it


    Dequeues a value and returns it.


    Returns the last item in the queue. (does not remove it from queue)


    Returns the last queued value.


    Returns the queue as a JSON string.


    Returns the current item in the queue. (while looping)