Addon ID

  • piranha305_fsm



  • Download count607 total downloads
  • Latest download count 205 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count2 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.


  • Actions

    {my}: Go to state {0}

    Transition to a specific state

    {my}: Enable {0}

    Enable or disable the FSM

  • Conditions

    {my}: On any state change

    Triggered when state changes

    {my}: On state enter {0}

    Triggered when a specific state is entered

    {my}: On state exit {0}

    Triggered when a specific state is exited

    {my}: On state transition {0} -> {1}

    Triggered when a specific state transition occurs

    {my}: Current state is {0}

    Check if the current state is a specific state

    {my}: Previous state is {0}

    Check if the previous state is a specific state

    {my}: Is enabled

    Check if the FSM is enabled

    {my}: Current state in {0}

    Check if the current state is in a list of states, (comma separated list of states)

    {my}: Previous state in {0}

    Check if the previous state is in a list of states, (comma separated list of states)

    {my}: On state enter in {0}

    Triggered when a specific state is entered from a comma separated list of states

    {my}: On state exit in {0}

    Triggered when a specific state is exited from a comma separated list of states

  • Expressions


    The current state


    The previous state