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This addon is only permitted for paid versions of Construct 3.

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  • Download count491 total downloads
  • Latest download count 491 downloads of latest version
  • Average download count1 downloads per day average


A list of all Actions, Conditions and Expressions supported in this addon.

UnityAds Category

  • Actions

    Show {0}

    Shows an ad campaign using the specified Video ad placement ID.

    Get {0} State

    Returns the state of the specified ad placement ID

  • Conditions

    Is initialized

    Returns true if Unity Ads SDK is initialized.

    On video failed

    Returns true if ocurred an error with the specified ad placement

    On video ready

    Returns true if the specified ad placement is ready to show an ad campaign.

    On rewarded video ready

    Returns true if the specified ad placement is ready to show an ad campaign.

    On video complete

    Triggers the ad was shown from beginning to end without error and without having been skipped.

    On rewarded video complete

    Triggers the ad was shown from beginning to end without error and without having been skipped.

    On video skipped

    Triggers when the ad was skipped before reaching the end.

    On video cancelled

    Triggers when an error occurred that prevented the ad from being shown.

  • Expressions


    In a trigger, an error message if available