YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • So... it's just an instance variable. OK.

  • Track the colour of the last-pressed switch by adding a variable to the player. A string-variable would work for this - we'll call it Player.LastButtonColour. You'll need another variable on the button to track what colour should have been pressed previous to it in the sequence - we'll call it Button.PreviousSequenceColour

    When the player jumps on a button, check the Player.LastButtonColour against Button.PreviousSequenceColour. If they match, open the matching door, and set Player.LastButtonColour to represent the button's colour. If they don't match, re-lock all doors in the sequence.

    A string-variable? That's new to me. Can you create a .capx of how this would work?

  • Something like clamp(lerp(scroll.y,projectile.y,scrollspeed*dt),minyscroll, maxscrolly)

    It clamps the y between the minimum, and maximum values.

    Can you make a .capx example of how this would look like? That game mentioned isn't 'doing it for me' and I would like to know how the clamp and lerp actions are used.

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  • Bumping this post again to see if I get any response. Does adding more 'barrier' objects with physics help to cover the so called corners of 2 overlapping physics objects?

  • Just bumping my post trying to get a response to this problem.

  • After looking at 1 user make 3 posts about performing simple events, I'm bumping my thread to hopefully get an answer. Is there actually a reason why there's a beginner's section for the 'How Do I' if lots of posts that would be in there are not?

  • https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmv2cu2y9c4c01d/RotateActionObject%20Test.capx?dl=0

    In this game build I'm looking to improve the ball physics. Too often the balls will either fall through the borders OR get stuck on the borders and not move properly. Once I know how to improve the collision between those objects then I hope I can use it in other game builds I'm working on.

    The other issue is the Points Total system. The point system works as follows:

    1 - Players use the A/D keys to rotate the objects with the balls moving around

    2 - Rotate the objects to move the balls into the Action Spots

    3 - Once a ball collides with an Action Spot, it will be Pinned and the value of the Action Spot will be added to the Points Total

    For some reasons I'm not sure how to add to the score more than once AND have it only happen once for each Action Spot. When I run the game build, the 1st time a Ball reaches the Action Spot, the point value is added (1 dot = 1 point). But when a 2nd Ball reaches another Action Spot the point value gets added repeated until the score is unreadable.

    Anyone with ideas on how to fix these problems (really not sure what's wrong with the Point Total system) please share if you can. Thanks.

  • ::Nightmares about Hammer Bros back in the late 80s::

  • I'm still looking for solutions to these 2 game builds.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjcz3szy0qm7ctm/Cut%20The%20Rope%20Test.capx?dl=0 A 'Cut The Rope' style game build in which I want to be able to attach multiple ropes to one piece of candy. I'm not sure how to do this; maybe I have to create 2 separate working ropes. Here's a video of the actual Cut The Rope game

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qo8ahmvwqebthgg/MeatBoy%20Platformer%20Test.capx?dl=0 A 'Super Meat Boy' style game build in which I want the momentum of my character to continue in the same direction he air dashed in. When you jump left and air dash to the right, he will continue falling to the left instead of the right which is crazy.

    If anyone can help with solutions to these problems it would very much be appreciated.

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  • Having an array to hold "initialisation variables" per phase sounds correct as well.

    In fact, you would pick the value from the array on creation of the enemy and fill their instance variable with it, accordingly to the current phase (you would then use an array with at least two dimensions, X being the phase, Y being each of the variables required).

    To store those kind of data, an array is one of the available data structure.

    Are there any good array tutorials you'd recommend? I'm looking back into tutorials in order to figure out save data and usage of arrays. I could never find a good array tutorial video. And your tutorials are great, so... make more? Thanks

  • You want the scroll to to only go forward, so you have to add a condition to check if the player x is greater than the scrollx.

    Something like: Sprite.X>scrollx ?Sprite.x :scrollx

    Then when casting the rope it needs to only pick a block with an x bigger than the players.

    So remove the is mirrored on the on up arrow, and replace it with the else events.

    It looks like the layer isn't random, so you will have to lengthen the layout, and design the rest by hand.

    Would this series of events your describing (not sure exactly what is being said) keep the player from going backwards through the layout? I'm looking to accomplish this with a platformer game build. The idea of not being able to go backwards through a level is something that was implemented in older NES/SNES games like Super Adventure Island. If you can, please let me know how to accomplish this.

  • something like this ?


    Wow. I think you may have just helped me solve a problem for one of my own games builds. Thanks...?!?!?!

  • OK, I think I know what you're talking about. You don't want to assist with changing/adding to someone else's .capx that was shared as a tutorial. But that isn't what this is here.

    I actually created my own build and .capx by following a tutorial on YouTube of which I don't speak or read Spanish but I was able to follow the actions and events. It's found at this link here

    Essentially all that I'm working with is what I was able to create from that tutorial. Adding platforms works well, but I have no idea how to attach the rope to another holder so that I have a multi-rope puzzle like those found in Cut the Rope. I attempted to attach the 1 rope to another holder but it didn't work properly at all.

    Again, if anyone can help with this issue then I would be able to continue with this game build.

  • Well, I'm looking over some tutorials that I've put together from videos along with using other .capx files. Then I'm deciding if the game build is the direction I want to go in and figuring things out from there.

    I checked the .capx you provided and it does work. But if I move any of the squares then things easily go out of wack. Is there a way to accomplish that same binding but using the events from my .capx? I couldn't even begin to follow (or try and change things) with what is going on in yours. Thanks for it, though.