YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • Asking again for help with these 2 builds.

    For the 2nd build, I'm thinking of somehow getting the player object to just start falling after the air dash. I believe that I can still control whether I'm moving left or right while falling like in any normal platformer. Somebody let me know how to accomplish this if you can.

  • You spelled the title correctly. CONGRATULATIONS!

    ::Grammar Police walk away::

  • [quote:19kcqduj]1)I need help on creating a block of code such that when the player WAS falling and has landed on a floor,I want to change the floor's animation and remove its Solid behaviour to enable the player to go down to the next floor.However the problem is that the all the tiles are changing their animation instead of that particular tile.

    Use "Closest instance" filter in your platform decaying event. You have to tell Construct2 which one of the instances to act upon.. this is called "picking" in C2.

    Can you give an example of this in action? I'm working on a game build and I just learned about using the 'Pick Instance' event. So I want to know what other ways the 'Pick' event can be used. For my game I included having an object move towards another object with the least HP. I'm so proud of myself for figuring that out

  • Yes, I followed a beat 'em up tutorial (pretty much the only one) on YouTube and learned about the collision boxes from that. And that's pretty much all I've learned, LOL. As long as there are great details with events then I can usually figure out how things were done and change them from there. Thanks for the response.

  • I would still like some help with these 2 builds. If anyone has any idea on how to solve these issues, it would be appreciated.

  • One thing id like to point out if say if two of the item are either common found item or super mega rare. you could in theory do this choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

    and have it compare like if chosen number is less then or equal to 9 use common

    if it did choose 10 then use super mega rare

    The choose just simple roll the dice of ten number while random uses likes 1.83434239472893472347 and 2.8409804854 number and the Int just whack off the .83434239472893472347 number

    And keep in mind that the Int will alway return the value as a positive so if you need a negative number dont use "int".

    Instead of 'choose(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)', can you use 'floor(random(1,10)) instead? I'm just asking in order to figure out how the events work since I've theorized about something similar for creating rare items.

  • This is the game that you had built upon from a template, right? How has the process of changing/adding things to the template been going? I'm looking into using a template in the future to create something like this as well.

  • Got a few ideas for cut the rope, but I'd have to try them first.

    Not sure how your doing the dash, 1 option I used was have a bullet behaviour, and then compare distance travelled, just disable bullet.

    Trouble is setting the angle of the bullet, and having the sprite upside down on left...

    Yes, I'm using the bullet behavior for the dash effect. It works just how I want it luckily. The thing is, when I perform the dash move in the air... the sprite object continues to have the same X axis acceleration. If I move RIGHT -> jump in the air RIGHT -> perform dash that is UP/LEFT... once the dash effect is finished the sprite object continues back to the right. That is the problem I'm looking to solve for the second .capx.

  • OK, I'm hoping to get the solutions to these problems for 2 different game builds.


    This first .capx is a game build similar to 'Cut The Rope'. I'm trying to create the event of having the 'candy' being held by a rope on 2 holders. Here's a video of the real 'Cut The Rope' game showing what it looks like

    Once I can get this working then I can star creating level designs for my game build. If anyone know how to get this working then please share the solution.



    This second .capx is a game build similar to 'Super Meat Boy'. I've been able to create a dash technique that sends the 'meat boy' in the direction I want based on which button is pressed AND whether that character is on the ground/in the air. However when the dash is performed in the air, the 'meat boy' continues to have the same accelaration even when he has dashed in the opposite direction. I'm looking to have the 'meat boy' stop and then fall after the air dash that moves him diagonally; totally not sure what to change in the events and don't want to mess anything up without having a clue first.

    Once again, Construct 2 is the best game development program I've used and can't imagine anyone who 'loves' coding as much as myself using anything else.

  • Can someone show the changes that would need to be made to get this to work? An image with added text or something else? I'm trying to tell what was needed just by reading and remember how C2 works but I'm lost.

  • The heck? It's that simple to accomplish this?

    I was working on something long ago that involved limited rotation, and all I needed was a 'clamp' expression? I'm looking to have an object only rotate between pressing LEFT to 82 degrees, and pressing RIGHT to 278 degrees and never going past those numbers.

    Are there any tutorials that show examples of what every single expression can perform in the events?

  • The first thing I would think of would be an array.

    Think of an array as basically a spreasheet with a fixed size (that you can modify with actions). You refer to each cell with a set of numerical coordinates.

    What information you put in the array, and what you do with the information in the array, is up to you.

    Refer to the array manual page for useful expressions, especially IndexOf, which lets you look up the location of a specific value - in your case you would want to check the username.

    Are there any good YouTube or Tutorial examples of arrays being put to use in a game design that you know of? The last one I tried was out of date and I couldn't figure things out. If you can suggest any then it would be appreciated.

  • " I don't want to have to create event entries to make all the objects...."

    Short of doing that, no.

    Might take a look at the pin behavior, and families, and containers, and blend modes, and...

    We don't have any plugs to handle prefabs for gui's, but everything 2d is doable.

    What he said. Everything you'r looking to have is doable. I was able to create a pop-up menu with objects to select, a text box describing how they work, and creating the object at the mouse when the menu goes away. And I did all of this just following C2's events and logic.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You could call the menu within the same layout. With functions, it's easy to implement in every level - or use global layout.

    Or save the position of every enemy/direction and the player and maybe a persist layout.

    It depends of your kind of game.

    Please, explain this further if you can/point to any tutorials you know of. I haven't used or even seen the use of global layouts OR the persist function/behavior. I'm working on a game that has users call up another layer to perform actions. I'm guessing there might be easier ways to accomplish this. Thanks.

  • You should make this a game template (or release the .capx) so people can see how you went about making it. Unless you have a development blog somewhere.

    It's tough playing this game with a mouse but that's the breaks. I think you capture the light gun shooter genre just right.