YoHoho's Forum Posts

  • Is there such a thing available for use in Construct 2 or 3? Not that I wouldn't mind using a bunch of sprites...

  • I haven't created an array as of yet using a more recent tutorial, so I'm trying to figure out how to do this without one.

    Basically, I'm trying to create a set of events that would work as follows:

    1) Player goes to 'Team Edit' menu screen

    2) Player has 5 of 12 unlocked characters

    3) Player must fill 4 spots on their team

    4) Player selects 1 member for each spot; can replace any character with another available

    5) Player can empty all spots at once by choosing 'Reset Team'

    I've been working on it but I'm sure someone may have an easier way of setting this up easier than I could. Any help would be appreciated, along with links to any good AND recent array tutorials for me to look over. Thanks in advance.

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  • illugion updated link

    I've been tinkering with this .capx example and I wanted to know how I would go about making any adjustments.

    • Can you multiply the rubber bands?
    • Can you adjust the length?
    • Can you make the rubber bands disappear/reappear at random?

    I've only really managed to move the rubber band to another space on the layout. Any help would be appreciated.

  • Man, no offense, but this is the most terrible project I've ever seen. It's a total mess..

    It's absolutely impossible to figure out what's going on and how is it supposed to work.

    You have 20 sprites and all of them are called "SpriteXX"?

    Layout has 11 layers, most of which consist of just 1 object?

    Variables called "obj" and "src"?

    And your project size is 40Mb?


    ::Drink spat out onto monitor:: LMAO!

  • Use the itch.io link in the first post, dropbox doesn't work anymore for live publishing.

    OK, I thought you had a .capx to download and look over.

  • > Error 404

    > https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/191 ... index.html


    Yeah it was an old post and dropbox drop support for hosting. I've updated the links.

    Am I going crazy in that I cannot find your Dropbox link anywhere in the thread? I would like to take a look at it.

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  • Are you using LiteTween? Here is how:


    Would you mind creating a .capx of how this would work? I'm not even sure I have the behavior installed after getting my new PC.

  • >

    > > I would just go with a seamless fire animation made in 3rd party software and import it back into Construct. Its actually 'lighter' on the CPU. If you insist in doing this via Particles plugin - make them spawn with random X offset, set grown rate to something below 0 (like e.g -16) + Destroy when fade out. To get different 'flame' color - apply 'yellow to orange' gradient tiledbg on top of it. All above with Addictive blend.

    > >


    > This was something I was wondering about. What is more taxing on CPU game performance: using Construct 2's effects/behaviors/plugins on sprites... OR importing an animated sprite that has the look of effects/behaviors/plugins?


    The more GFX assets your project has the bigger the overall download and more VRAM being taken.

    The more shaders/effects you use and the more objects you have on screen - the more CPU taxing the game becomes because Draw Calls requires more horse power. And high CPU usage = low FPS. Plus, if we are talking mobiles, most shaders doesn't work on them at all, on older devices.

    As of Behaviors and plugins that's a totally different case and should never impact your CPU/GPU if they are done right. Well, with an exception of hardcore physics plugin usage

    OK. So let's try an example like 'dust' - the player LANDS on a platform and 'dust' kicks up from the player LANDING on the platform. Which would be more efficient for Construct 2 to have: the use of 'particles'/sprites with physics OR having the player sprite with a 'dust' landing animation?

  • I would just go with a seamless fire animation made in 3rd party software and import it back into Construct. Its actually 'lighter' on the CPU. If you insist in doing this via Particles plugin - make them spawn with random X offset, set grown rate to something below 0 (like e.g -16) + Destroy when fade out. To get different 'flame' color - apply 'yellow to orange' gradient tiledbg on top of it. All above with Addictive blend.

    This was something I was wondering about. What is more taxing on CPU game performance: using Construct 2's effects/behaviors/plugins on sprites... OR importing an animated sprite that has the look of effects/behaviors/plugins?

  • Wow. I actually got some assistance in such a short time!

    Both .capx's actually work very well and are pretty much what I was trying to do (and still can't figure out why it wasn't working before). 99Instances2Go's .capx is the one that really racks my brain. How are the events with the 'blank' conditions even working?

    I hope I can easily make some adjustments so that I can get the builds to work the way I want. I started this project over a year ago so that's why it wasn't very organized. After all of this time I went back to it and started to build upon it again. Thanks to the both of you!

  • I'm working on a project where after you focus on a particular block enemy in lay, you then zoom in on that enemy and can attack it for a limited amount of time. For some reason, I can't get my countdown timer to reset and begin its count after focusing a 2nd time. Also, the HP for the lower right block isn't registering properly.

    I've tried using a global and an instance variable with a timer and I still can't get this to work. It seems like a glitch that has happened in several of my projects but I know by now that you can't declare something to be a glitch if your own events are the problem. Here's a capx file to look over: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b2a0knlj64cz1v7/BBTap%20Focus%20Test%201.3.capx?dl=0

    If anyone has the solution then please let me know. Thanks.

  • Although the family instance variables are used and apply to all family members, they can be set separately. So if you have a family instance variable BulletDam, it will appear on all bullets as a variable but Bullet A can be set to 10 and Bullet B can be set to 20.

    So you set the individual bullets A and B up on a sheet, where they have their default values for BulletDam. Then when you do the general event if Family Bullet is overlapping Family Enemy, subtract Family Bullet.BulletDam from Family Enemy, in just one event you can set up something where any bullet overlapping any enemy will subtract its own damage from the enemy. I think that's what you wanted, in just one event.

    Can you provide an illustration of this using pictures, like the tutorials? This was something that I tried to set up but I wasn't sure how to get the individual instance variable values to work properly. I'm not sure how this is to be arrange in an event sheet.

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