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  • I personally put them in a dictionary but array will work just fine aswell. The basic setup is pretty simple. I'd put them in functions and not "on start of layout" so you call them when you need them.

    You should keep in mind all possible cases that can happen. E.G. the first time the player starts the game the item does not exist. You can check first if the item exists and if it's missing you load a default configuration at first etc.

  • I don't think that's possible. Maybe you can attempt to add some compatibility in the new app? How did you create the old savefiles? Surely there should be a way to detect the old savefile in the new version of the app and have it load in some way.

  • As a general tip, mixing physics with other movement behaviors is a bad idea.


    It's hard to say what could be going wrong in your project. I can only guess but your player might have a lot of empty space around it in the image file, which is accounted into the sprites bounding box. So you either have to get rid of the extra space around the player or set the player collision to collision polygon aswell.

    If it isn't that you'll have to post the project file.

  • They are? Hmm, well I guess in that case I'd just stick with spritefonts. :V

  • Theoretically you could attempt it with CSS.

    There are conditions where you can check if the game is running on iOS, Android, PC etc. and then apply CSS styles based on that.

    It's not that complicated on paper, especially if you have some knowledge of CSS, but you could end up opening a big can of worms with it.

    An easy way could be to try and include a CSS reset / CSS normalize but it might not work in all cases depending on which you use.

    A little bonus of sprite fonts is that they cost less performance than the regular text object :)

  • This is quite an annoying thing since text is rendered slightly different based on device. A surefire way should be to replace all your text objects with spritefonts.


  • Sry I'm not here 24/7 on helper duty :) Unless Ashley starts paying me or something :V

    I do recommend finding things out yourself though. It may take an hour or two longer but those are not wasted hours by any means. You will learn significantly more doing so than when someone just fixes your project for you whenever something doesn't work. Read through the docs, do searches and good ol' trial and error, and then, if still nothing works, then go ask for pointers.

  • Hmm, put the second event as a sub-event of the first one. Right now it is checked every tick and that usually isn't what you want to do.

  • Here's a quick fix. It's by no means an ideal way to do things but it should get you started.


    What you really need to understand is that events like this run every tick, as in if the game runs at 60 fps, these events will be executed 60 times per second.

    And a similar issue caused the wrench thing not to work, as it would instantly set the chain visible again after it was set invisible by the wrench.

    I simply rearranged the first thing so it's now a sub-event of pressing the button. As such, only when you press the button it will check if the count has reached X. As for the menu, I simply added a "Trigger once" to avoid constantly overriding it.

    Ideally you'd handle most of this quite different, but that's for another day.

    Also I deleted the music in my fix, 23mb for just one song :V

  • Hmm, I haven't dabbled with multiplayer in a while but I faintly remember that that's not supposed to happen actually. If a player is set as host specifically it should keep the game running regardless. Maybe I remember that wrong though...

  • wackytoaster.at/parachute/picking.c3p

    Here's a basic setup. Keep in mind that there are countless ways to "pick" your instance and it's up to you to find out what your game needs. Here's some links so you understand what I did.


    Picking instances



    Things like "compare instance variable" will also pick all instances that match. E.g. Instance variable > 5 will pick all instances where food > 5 or compare X < 100 will pick all instances that are X < 100 on the layout.

    And obviously you can chain picking to filter out more and more instances until you are left with one (or more if you need)

    E.g. pick instance variable > 5, pick instance variable < 10, pick lowest

    Will first pick all instances where food > 5, then from those all where food < 10 and than from those it picks the one lowest on food.

  • It's probably a good idea to read through this, it really helps to understand how the events work. Especially the "events run top to bottom" is an important part that might help understand the issue.


    Again, without the project file it's impossible to help. If google drive doesn't work, maybe try wetransfer.com (just email it to yourself and post the download link)

  • You may just have mixed up "on key down" with "key press"

    Post a screenshot of your events (or a project file) if that wasn't it.

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