WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • Alright thx, feature request it is. The workaround is ok, but I always set out to do a game and make it "javascript only" just to end up back in the event sheet for random reasons. Either be it workarounds, missing APIs (or intentionally left out) or simply convenience with some things. Not a bad thing per se but not exactly what I plan, haha.

  • Setting the z order is done with the actions "Move to top" "Move to bottom" "move to object"

    There is also a specific "Sort Z order" system action that sorts based on an instance variable.

  • I know saying this isn't exactly helpful but this error quite directly tells the user what the problem is and how they can fix it. Is that... not good enough?

    I'd assume the Internationalization support is used by constructs build-in Internationalization plugin. Did you use that plugin? Either way Construct probably checks for support and if it isn't supported, shows this error. It's kinda weird though that only a recent update has caused this error to show up, considering the internationalization plugin has been implemented for a good while now.

  • Is there a non-silly way to get a canvas snapshot in script? Am I overlooking something? Specifically I wanna load it into a sprite, and currently I have to do a whole bunch of ??? to get the blob. I cannot access the snapshot directly in script but I also cannot hand it off via a variable because these don't support blob urls.

    await runtime.callFunction("snapshot");
    let response = await fetch(this.snap);
    this.snap = await response.blob();
    const img = runtime.objects.transitionSprite.getFirstInstance();
    await img.replaceCurrentAnimationFrame(this.snap);

    I've also tried to use new URL(this.snap) in hope to get an URL which does seem to work but it then fails at img.replaceCurrentAnimationFrame() due to wrong type. Further I've tried to directly access the context of the c3canvas but that also wasn't exactly working, I didn't spend too much time on it since I expect this to be hacky anyway.

    On a sidenote, since we're talking canvas snapshot: Is there a good way to snapshot only some layers? I know I can briefly hide the stuff I don't wanna snapshot (e.g. UI) but since snapshot is async it will cause the UI to flicker which isn't exactly neat. Not sure if there's any workaround for that.

  • There's a possibility it's locked or on a locked layer. You can try checking it in the instances bar. Menu > View > Bars > Instances bar.

  • Looks quite like it's a similar (the same?) problem that it was back then. Maybe. There's lots of removeChild and appendChild listed, which seem to somehow rise in numbers when Construct is actively used.

    Compared to the same interaction (drag & drop) in a freshly opened editor.

    I saved the profiler traces if it helps but Ashley mentioned in the other thread that they are not really helpful due to obfuscation, but I can post them if needed. The delay always happens on pointer interaction, like when selecting an instance on the layout. So something is ballooning there the longer Construct is in use.

  • If you encounter this again you could start the chrome dev tools profiler, that may give a hint at some memory leak or something.

    Yeah I will do that. It's bound to happen again. I kinda forgot that this profiler exists, but I did take a video for comparison yesterday with two editors open side by side. Left one being freshly opened, right one being the sluggish one. I wouldn't say there were outright freezes, but I could imagine it getting so sluggish that it would be considered "frozen". The only freezing I had was when zooming the layouts, there it would sometimes not do the zooming despite the scrollbars indicating I was indeed zooming. Eventually it would then snap out of it and display the correct zoom again.

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    I don't believe it has much to do with the eventsheet because I was barely doing anything in the eventsheet at that point. I also have everything well grouped though, but if there would be an inherent problem with the eventsheets or objects or layouts, restarting shouldn't fix it I think.

    I just have 288 events with 259 conditions and 607 actions. 58 Object types and 9 Families, 19 layouts and 5 eventsheets. That's like a baby-project.

  • But I don't really know why. I mainly wonder if anyone else noticed that. Here's what I do know:

    • It does take a while to be noticable, but it seems to get more sluggish the longer I'm working
    • Simply restarting the editor solves it
    • I wasn't doing much work in eventsheets, mainly saving, previewing, duplicating/adjusting a bunch of replicas across a handful of layouts
    • The project isn't exactly huge overall
    • I have a beefy pc so that shouldn't exactly be a problem
    • The lag is very noticable when: Switching tabs, selecting instances, moving instances

    Considering that simply taking 10 seconds to restart Construct fixes it I'm not even sure if it's super worth to investigate. However, I'm not 100% certain if that was a problem before todays update r421. I feel like I didn't have that issue in r420 but I cannot tell for sure.

    There also used to be a bigger thread about this 3ish years ago, possibly related?


  • Hard to say... You could try increasing the version gradually. Open it in r350 and save -> r380 and save -> r400...... perhaps that kind of works out.

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  • Hmm good question. The bullet setting adds more steps in the physics engine, so it's probably simply that more steps = more chances that when the collision triggers in Construct there also happens to be a collision in the physics engine. Without trying I'd suspect though that it's still not 100% reliant because the physics engine treats the shape as a perfect circle whereas Construct just uses the collision poly.

  • Oh that's probably just because I'm on the latest beta version. It will come to the stable version eventually, you don't really have to worry about it. It just means that the wait action takes the timescale of the project into account when waiting. Timescale of 2 would mean everything in the game runs twice as fast, so a wait of 1 second would instead be 0.5 seconds long. It's simply an option to say you don't want timescale to change the duration of the wait.

  • Custom actions have some advanced uses (overrides), other than that the difference isn't really that big. I mainly like how custom actions help with organisation. The action to roll the dice is now available on the dice object itself, rather than shoved into the function object.


  • You have to replace your mouse conditions with the corresponding touch conditions. Mouse only covers mouse inputs. Touch covers touch AND mouse inputs (if you check that checkbox). So instead of "left button is down + is over button5" you can just use "is touching object" and it will also work with mouse.

  • Yes, using wait can be tricky and you have to be a little bit careful, but it's fine depending on the case. You're using the timer wrong, the timer doesn't behave like a wait. You're just starting a timer on the dice, that's why this is happening in an instant. I personally wouldn't bother with a timer in this case actually.


  • Your example is just working here and there for me too.


    That works consistently for me, this is 100% the way to go. I suggest you can call a raycast here towards ContactX/Y (+ some extra distance otherwise the raycast may be too short) if you need to know what exactly was hit since you can get the UID of the hit object like that.