WackyToaster's Forum Posts

  • I've looked around a bit and I think your best bet is to go the javascript route. It might not be as hard as it seems at first.

    Use the mediarecorder api, which I assume is what the plugin also uses under the hood


    Specifically note this part


    Begins recording media; this method can optionally be passed a timeslice argument with a value in milliseconds. If this is specified, the media will be captured in separate chunks of that duration, rather than the default behavior of recording the media in a single large chunk.

    So you can specifiy to automatically record chunks of 1 second. Every second from then on will fire the dataavailable event.

    Within this event you can store the created data chunks however you please (e.g. an array of 30 for 30 seconds of recording)

    Then when the user requests the highlight you can combine them like so (and I think this should generate a blob url that you can then invoke a download on)

    function play() {
     var superBuffer = new Blob(recordedChunks);

    It's basically what citron2010 suggested but handling it in js is going to be much easier than doing some roundabout way in events.

    EDIT: It should also avoid the issue with requesting permission. This should only request permission once, when the recording starts. After that it's just a continous recording, that you can tap in at any given moment to extract the last 30 seconds from.

  • I'd say this is not exactly a properly made tilemap, at least in the context of constructs tilemaps. This tilemap seems to assume that tiles can simply be stacked over each other (as if you have multiple layers of tilemaps) whereas the tilemap in construct is 1 layer, so tiles cannot stack, period. You can either create the missing tiles you need on your own or you can stack multiple tilemaps on top of each other to emulate the layering (I do not recommend that, it's going to be arduous to work with)

  • Not that I'm aware off. Worst case I assume it has some performance overhead which is not really a drawback but a trade-off.

    ...or else it wouldn't be something off by default

    The reality is it's probably off by default simply because most layers don't need to be HTML layers. It would make no sense to make it a default if by default it's not needed.

  • Hmm I don't think this is possible with the build in plugin. The first issue is that, as you noticed, there's no way of deleting part of the ongoing recording. Deleting it before download may be possible, but it will still continously record footage, possibly until it runs out of memory (and crashes or something).

    Not sure how I'd tackle this problem.

  • I'd go the array route.

    1. Array with your dataset

    2. Sort Array based on amount

    3. Loop through array, copy the current entry into another Array. Compare the "loopindex" amount with the "loopindex+1" amount. If the comparison is true, repeat the loop, otherwise stop the loop.

    4. You now have an array that contains all fruits that tied for the highest amount (one or more)

    5. You can output a random entry from that array like Array.At(floor(random(0,Array.length+1)))

  • Yes, overlapping buttons can cause both of them to be clicked. When you hide a layer (or overlay something), you should probably also set it to non-interactive (system > set layer interactive)

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  • Yeah this is one of the quirks you'll have to deal with. Is this a solid or a jumpthrough platform? Either way the platform behavior has a bunch of quirks like this which aren't exactly fixable, because it works perfectly for project A but not for project B and fixing it for project B breaks project A.

    In a way it even makes sense, the character steps off the platform, but the platform moves under the character before it can fall. Maybe you could try to add the platforms velocityX to the character when it steps off so the character sort of gets flung off at the same speed the platform moves, so the platform can't catch up to the character anymore?

  • I don't think this is gonna get implemented, it's just not a feature that would be used a lot, apart from some gimmicky stuff (in regards to games that is, since Construct is a game engine first and foremost)

    However, Construct does let you add javascript. It seems quite benign actually to add the functionality you want with a few lines of code.


  • You will own nothing and you will be happy.

    But really though, it's just more sustainable and predictable from a business perspective. Why pay for that subscription? Because I think it's worth it for me. People gladly pay subscriptions for stuff like netflix without batting an eye but as soon as it's a useful tool, suddenly it's terrible and bad. It's not even expensive either. Adobe Creative thingy costs 60€ per month, 3ds Max costs 274€ per month.

    And wait till you find out about taxes.

  • Yes that should work perfectly fine too. But You need to have players defined somewhere. A good place would probably be globalThis.

  • With scripting that is absolutely possible.

    let players = []; // define array
    const player = runtime.objects.player.getFirstInstance(); // get the player instance you want to put into the array. In this case it will always get the first instance of player which is fine if there's only one player. Otherwise you'll have to get it via uid or loop through all player objects.

    Your array now contains the player instance with all it's properties, instance variables etc.

    You can show it in the console via a simple console.log(players)

  • Looks fine to me although with just numbers it can be a bit obscure to look at. Maybe you're not fully understanding how exactly the auto47 works. The default tilemap graphic has a functioning example in place, why not use that as reference?

    Tile 1 and tile 29 fulfill different cases.

    Here's a placeholder I made some time ago for a 20x20 grid. The dark parts are inside, the bright parts are the edges/outside.

  • but the second layout takes time to load and sometimes doesn't load at all

    How long does it take to load? And getting stuck... sounds like a bug of some sort.

    Either way, you can manually load images. Here's roughly what you wanna do

    1. Have a global layer that shows your loading bar

    2. Instead of going to the next layout right away, show the loading bar instead

    3. Use the Memory Management actions to load the images (load layout images) construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/system-reference/system-actions

    4. Use the conditions to check for the loading to be complete construct.net/en/make-games/manuals/construct-3/system-reference/system-conditions

    5. Once complete, go to the next layout and hide the loading bar again

    You can show the progress of loading via the Memory Management expression


  • if (sprite.x === sprite2.x && sprite.y === sprite2.y )

    You are comparing if their origins are exactly overlapping. This is extremely unlikely to ever be true. You should use testOverlap instead, see


    I also recommend checking out the javascript examples since they'll cover most of the basic cases like that.

  • A little hint that might be relevant, docx files are actually just zip files (just like c3p are also just zip files)