Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • finaly someone made this!

    kudos and thank you!

    this thread should be sitcked to not sink under new topics.

  • Funny picture

    But wrong. On we don't type to other people that their message is dumb or needs a facepalm-action typed out.

    sometimes i have a hard time beliving that... but yeah, lets leave this thread as it was - dead.

  • I make all of my sprites in MS Paint.

    Ohhhh yeahhhh.

  • the list is useful in that construct is windows only, and as much as microsoft wishes otherwise, there are a lot of people in the world who don't run windows. because its hateful and evil.

    that said, the community would be better served by building something and not wasting five months clicking links on the interweb. seriously, if construct isn't your thing, try writing a text adventure game. a MUD. pen and paper RPG. whatever. but there's not much credit in "here's a list of stuff i had no part of creating, but i built a list of it FOR YOOUUUUUUUUUUU..."

    hi, nice to met you too.

  • I think it's kinda funny that the in-testing-phase freeware game-making program, Stencyl, has an eerily similar logo.

    Is it just me or is cog-C like the new black or something?

    <img src="">

  • Nice

    For those who can't (or won't) buy Photoshop (like me), you can also do this (almost the same way) in Gimp, with the plugin G'mic.

    thank you

    ive added the infor regarding Gimp and G'mic plugin

  • [quote:fq4plyje]Ok, sorry, I thought that "Did you find this thread usefull?" (ak the question of the poll, situated at the top of the thread) meant you may want to know why too

    check couple of first posts

    I think the only misstep was putting up a poll, perhaps just because I don't understand the reason for it other than maybe gauging interest to decide whether to do this sort of thing in the future.

    glad someone's understand

    [quote:fq4plyje]Here's the quote about the terrain :

    okey now you made me confused. the quote you provided says exactly what ive been saying.

    the TIME, geez.

    [quote:fq4plyje]Already done on french communities (gamecorp, relite) about cg tools

    last time i checked we were talking on THIS forums. in what way your contritubion on diffrent forums is related to this?


    You know, I only meant to give my opinion, as I said in my first post

    oh so that nitpicking, agrouing with me over OFF TOPIC subjects, questioning my manners, and support topic further derailing is what you call "giving opinion"?

    so okey, lets say i too "only gave my opinion". and... god come on - just because i dont talk like a WoW nerd with 3 words sentences...

    okey, peace

  • okey if you guys feel like wanting to argue over such a trival matter i will participate.

    [quote:ntfzdotp]Why are you asking if people find this usefull or not if you tell them it is and they shouldn't say it isn't

    quote me where exactly i am asking about people opinion regarding enlisted tools (aside from poll - it doesnt count)

    [quote:ntfzdotp]I told you : it may be helpful for others, but it would be better if you were giving the most interesting softwares in this list instead of several generators.

    oh, so now you want to tell what i should include in my own thread...? maybe instead you should just make one yourself? ever though about it?

    besides - i talk within the borders of my own knowledge. are you really expecting me to talk about quantum physics when i have absolutly no knowledge in this area? because thats EXACTLY what you just said.

    I am the one who choose whats interesting for myself. you plan to argu with that...?

    [quote:ntfzdotp]By the way, you asked what a terrain would look like in 3ds max... sure. But this isn't the interest

    of having such a software. I personnally use 3d suites like blender or max to create both 3d and 2d assets. And this way, I can make animations in 8 directions in no time compared to classical animation :

    Again, please quote where i am "curious" about "what terrain would look like in 3ds max". Last time i checked i am endlessly babbling about "time" needed to get the assets.

    And of course your creation WILL look better and WILL be better in all possible aspects then pre-generated. But ask yourself... how long it took you - to get where you are currently, in 3d modelling and designing. Months? years?

    Now those programs needs barely minutes or hours.

    [quote:ntfzdotp]you're asking people their opinion, you get them, even if they don't follow the way you think. Also, you can always say things politely. Being rude = being aggressive.

    two words: "quote me". where i am "asking for opinion".

    About being rude: i give what i recive. nothing more and nothing less. A group of people had been constantly rude towards me so dont expect me to bring flowers and cake. But why would you care eh? after all, its soo much easier to just think of me as "agresive rude unpolite brute".

    But think what you want. Its a free world after all.

    [quote:ntfzdotp]Newt is speaking of particle systems

    sorry but i dont have mind reading powers and to me this:

    [quote:ntfzdotp]all these different apps

    [quote:ntfzdotp]apps that do most of that stuff using Construct

    does NOT equal "particle systems". otherwise he would just say "hey those particles can be made in construct" right? thats quite logical, wouldnt you agree?

    and let me point this AGAIN:

    i dont care if you find those tools cool or not - the creators dont pay me for their creation advertisment on this forums. but i disagree with biased statements which Newt said.

    ANY engine, not only Construct - when mastered, can create wonders.

    But this tools are not for the masters. They are for begginers and casual game dev hobbysts.

    just like myself - who happends to find them very usefull and fun to work with.

    so will you please drop this pointless, trivial and needless discussion or will you keep forcing me to prove that i am not a camel...?

  • umm.. yeah. the idea is great i was looking for a spaceship generator from like years but still... the thing you recive here cannot be called ship.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • actualy i had a chance to met Notch in person couple of years ago when he was still working with Rolf.

    And you cant talk about Minecraft without telling anything about Wurm: On Line which is a child of both Notch and Rolf love. Google it.

  • Look at it this way. Why take the time to learn how to use all these different apps, when you can take the time and learn how to do it in Construct?

    For free.

    I'd also point out that loading an animation of an explosion is just about as pointless as loading a huge backgound.

    because learning those tools takes couple of days MAXIMUM and doing the same with Construct takes months? beside, i am very interested how you would make 3d terrain be "done" in Construct. I am also very interested how you will make 3d models in construct, generate a planet image, create an animation or a gun. because - gues what? thats what most of the enlisted apps do. if you would actualy read the thread - you would now.

    Newt, you either havent check all the apps or are you incredible biased person.

    you totaly ignored my previous post and you keep repeating "Construct" "Consruct" "Construct" like it would be some secret spell or your wife's name.

    cut the crap wil you...?


    Sorry if i sound rude or/and i offended you Newt, but REALLY... i dont know how you can say all this with a streight face.

    and lets keep on topic okey? this is not a "What Construct is capable of" thread.

  • Thing is...

    Looking over that list, you can actually make apps that do most of that stuff using Construct.

    you totaly missed the point of this thread then.

    Do i really have to put that big sign "Not for Construct Pro's"...?

    isnt it obvious that people who will use this cant do the same using construct...?

    I know that Bruce Lee could propably kill a grizzly bear with his bare fists, but most of us still need a gun for such task.

    As i said - take or leave it. >_>

  • Well this is my first tutorial every made so be gentle.

    No credits to anyone as i have found this technique long time ago all by myself.

    So i dont even know if its over the internet or how can google for it O.o

    So what you need? PhotoShop and nothing else.


    This works under PhotoShop CS EXTENDED 12.0.1 64bit and Gimp with the plugin G'mic

    This is propably the easiest possible method of getting 3D terrain models without any actual modelling.

    1. Open up your PS heh

    2. Create a new file (you can go with 1000/1000 pix resolution, but dont go over 10k if you dont have Bill Gate's PC)

    <img src="">

    3. Now pay a close attention to your currently selected foreground(1) and background(2) color

    <img src="">

    4. Click on the background color (2) and select absolute white, click "okey" and do the same for foreground(1) color

    <img src="">

    5. Now go back to foreground color (1) but this time you want to play with the "mysterious" "L" atribute. to be exact lower it a bit. to perhaps 80

    <img src="">

    6. now the magic starts, take your "paint bucket" and fill the image with the paint.

    <img src="">

    7. go to Filter -> Render -> Difference Clouds and click it

    <img src="">

    8. Now press CTRL+F couple of time (CTRL+F repeats the last used Filter) but be sure to stop when the image is more "white" then "black".

    9. Now go to 3D -> New Mesh from Grayscale -> Plane and click

    V'la! you just made a nice looking hills terrain :)

    <img src="">

    <img src="">


    Areas are being eleveted from White to Black, so the more Black the area is the higher it will be. Try to paint with gradiants so the hills will not be so sharp but more smoth.

    So for example you can easly turn this:

    into this:

    Hope some one will find this usefull/funny.

    i tried to describe everything as simply as possible.

    Oh and btw - remember you can export the mesh not just the image!!


  • [quote:1xswcdsj]gauging interest to decide whether to do this sort of thing in the future

    glad someone's understand

    [quote:1xswcdsj]Sorry to nitpick, but it's "commercial", not "commersial".

    ahh sorry. ill correct that right away.

    [quote:1xswcdsj]... I voted 'yes', by the way.

    no need to say who vote how. its not like you'll land on my hate/love list for voiting no or yes

  • I voted no. No offense there, but I think you're losing the reader in a bunch of softwares using most of the time the seller's description. There are a bunch of terrain, particle and cg tools out there, so the real problem is : which one should I use ?

    Well, my opinion is hedge by the fact I've been using complete tools for some time now (photoshop, 3ds max or so), and I don't see the interest of having a bunch of softwares when a single program can handle about any task you need to do. It should still help others.

    Thanks for sharing.

    thats why ive added my opinion as well. as for one program doing all of that task - keep in mind the learning curve. learning almost ANY and ALL 3d modellers takes months or even years, PhotoShop when being rather user-friendly still takes much of time to get used to and master.

    Particles for example, Magic Particles can create almost any graphical special effect you can think of, from flames, to stars, to explosions, to smoke, to projectiles, to lasers to black holes to... ect ect. and not only in very user friendly interface but also it can be exported as animation of any resolution with Alpha channel so you can imidietly import it to your game. doind the same in Photoshop is a hard work going frame by frame and i dont know how its done if 3DMax as i havent been using that program.

    Same for terrain creation. either be it 3d or 2d. Of course you can make the very same world texture with Photoshop as with FT Pro and Pled. But the thing is: itll not be that good. Thats mostly because you can be a master of Photoshop magic - but still dont know how to draw

    a world with all its oceans, landscaped, ect. thats what FT pro or Pled does for you. the very same thing you would need hours to accomplish is done in matters of seconds. Of course, no one stops you to further enhance th texture in PS.

    As for 3D terrain - its even worst. When here with Mojo and World Machine its just clicking few buttons and v'la - ready to be used assets are being made.

    Of course hand-creation will always beat assets generators. But please try to understand that not everybody have time to learn and/or master 3D Max or PhotoShop. In case of ALL the programs enlisted above - its just hit'n'get. No learning, no mastering. Like ordring a pizza.

    And its cool, i dont feel offended in any way. But please understand the idea behind this thread: i am giving you names, and knowledge or should i say "awarness" of those tools. What you will do with them is totaly up to you. Keep in mind the "gray area" of contruct users, who are all those mysterious "guest" viewing this forums. Those are the guys with the smallest skills but they want to make game too, just as we do.

    Its like with "official complains" in any country. Just a small minority actualy complains in public. But one complainer = 100 others who remain silent. And so is here. The people who will find this thread the most usefull are those who i will propably never hear "thank you" from.

    I know, because as a matter of fact - i was one of them for quite long.

    so take it or leave it - its up to you, as no one pays me for this and the only thing i perhaps expect in exchange is to respect the time ive invested in this thread creation (coping all the info, pasting links, writing something from myself, checking my whole "tools" folder = 48 minutes)


    make this in PhotoShop or/and 3D Max and tell me how much time it took.

    With Mojo it took me like 5 mouse button clicks.