Vilehead's Forum Posts

  • when i find no pleasure in bashing other work i partialy agree with karshinkoff... BUT:

    Imagine theres only hand-full of cars sellers in town. Most of them sell crappy cars and one sells a rather O.K cars but for a great price.

    I might despise them, their greed and unprofessional behaviour might be obvious. But no ones forces you to buy their cars. Cars are not water - you dont need it to live your life.

    ClickTeam marketing and overall atitude makes me sick. But they are by far not the only part of this reality that makes me feel that way. Still, having no power what so ever to change this situation i just drop it.

    You have all the rights to have your own opinion (which apparently i share with you) but Construct forums are just not the place to share this specific type of opinion. Its in bad taste.

    Construct devs are well known for their dyplomatic approch, and polite, liberal relations with other game authoring programs developers. Thats very professional and wise. They dont care how much other programs similiar to their suck or not - they just focus on their own work, without pointing fingers and feeding their ego.

    Theres a fammily that live next door which i greatly hate. But still, if someone would came and talk badly about them ill just say to him "keep this to yourself". I will tell so, because - do i like it or not, those guys live right next to me and we are preety much "stuck" with each other. So no point in raging war. Same for Scierra. It irrelevant what do they think about others. They just want to work in peace without being sucked into some pointless conflicts.

    Your opinion might or might be not true. But this forums are just not the place for voicing this kind of opinion.

    You have to understand that.

    About piracy i have my own rules.

    Before i buy the product (movie, game, program, music ect) i download he pirate version. If it sucks - i delete it. If its good - i buy a legal version. Piracy is a way for me to try things out before wasting my money on a product that eventualy suck. I come from a poor people country, i dont have money for mistakes. But i am greatfull and honorable when theres a need for it.

    For example: the latest game Magicka. Reviews and trailers blowed me from my chair. So i downloaded the pirate version. And good for me that i did. Because yes - the game was just amazing - for about 4h. Then it turned into constant flow of raging frustration and disapointment. If it would remain as good as in that first 4h - i would go and order it to pay my tribute for the creators.

  • Just an update to Irbis' point:

    Torque is now back up and running and have a special offer on at the moment. See

    BTW, I am not affiliated with them whatsoever!

    oh! thats interesting. Thank you for sharing Zenox

  • The guys who made Torque 2D has announced going down so when using this engine is fine - don't expect any more updates or bugfixed at least not before some company will buy the game engine source and develop it further (which no one can promise you)

    Multimedia Fusion 2 when being very advanced and developed, with solid user-base and support is very dated and it has "ways of doing things"(mechanics?) needlessly mixed in sometimes very user-unfriendly fashion.

    Construct is a open source and freeware game engine being developed by just a few people - that's why don't expect any rapid development. It et better and better but the progress is very slow and some bugs are sometimes left unfixed for years (now, go on people troll me as much as you want but that's my opinion). Still thought, its quite simple to learn and you can make almost any game with Construct.

    Game Maker has some very bothersome limitations, confusing mechanics and some hardcoded obstacles which you can't change without breaking the ToS. Still, it has huge user-base, lots of support quite quite wide possibilities

    [quote:3iermld1]Does Construct have any memory leak issues


    none that I can think of.

    [quote:3iermld1]The loading times of different levels are similar over time? (the same level loads in about the same time each time?)


    That's totally up to you - the GameDev. Layouts(maps?) in Construct can be huge, it deals quite well with big numbers of objects or particles.


    In its current state, does Construct have any known game breaking bugs?


    You have to describe what exactly you believe to be game-breaking as it has MANY game-breaking issues for ME which most of other users label as "trivial".

    [quote:3iermld1]5. How fast bugs are solved? I have to ask this, as some game engines are updated quite fast, and others are updated once a year or even less. We cannot wait for an entire year for a minor bug fix.


    then with all due respect - I wouldn't chose Construct. As much sympathy as I have for Construct developers and understanding for their little team member work capabilities, facts are facts - the development of Construct is quite slow and some annoying issues,broken features or bugs might wait months to be fixed and patched. Months or more.

    [quote:3iermld1]6. In its current state, do you think that Construct is capable to create a commercial ready game? (multiple rooms, multiple levels, lots of sprites, sound, music, effects, multiple resolutions, many hours of game without crashes or glitches)?


    Commercial? No. Indie? Yes. The limits of the engine are mostly linked with end-user(the players) PC machine. For example, I can throw about 5000 x 64/64 pixels sprite objects into the layout and don't notice any slowdown. But the guy next door will have a delightful slide-show. The games made with Construct will be as good and as bug-free as you will program them.

    Look around, most of people here made or are in progress of making a game. Check their games and see yourself what Construct is capable of

    [quote:3iermld1]As I said before, I personally think that Construct is the most intuitive and easy to use, but the other guys are really worried about stability.


    I would be more worried about another thing. Construct at current state does not enables one to share his work. Technically. You can't "merge" cap files. Forget about 3 programmers working on different game aspect as all their work will be forced to be again imported into one cap file. In case of Construct there can be mostly just one programmer/coder. So yea the same guy who programmed the GUI, will also have to program the animation, system, mechanics, preferences, events and in general - put all the assets together. No work sharing.

    Construct is FAR from being perfect. Its damn far from what I dream of. But the fact is - its probably the best 2D game authoring tool you can possibly find.

    "In the land of the blinds, the cyclop is the king" I suppose.

    [I can only imagine how much bashing ill receive for spreading the heresy that Construct is not perfect ]

    all in one - if you don't have a good experienced programmer, go with Construct, its easily the best authoring program as for today. But if you do - now, that's another story

  • I must disagree a bit on this.

    There are various RPGs and their level of complexivity(thats it? is that the word?) is just very diffrent.

    Making a simple RPG just forces you to use the array object (which you would propably use anyway) and lots of formulas. But hey, no one forces you to make a RPG of Morrowin or Oblivion caliber, right? Compare Diablo and Baldurs Gate or Morrowind. All three can be called RPGs, but making a game that mimics them will vary in needed time and work very much.

  • Oh and i would love if someone could make a tutorial about custome minimap as the minimap plugin/object is far from perfect.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Ooh nvm i tought u meant the prog was not working atm !

    I tried it and indeed its quite sympathic

    glad to hear

  • > charas.EX is for anybody who needs character sprites but for some reason dont have/cant have them.



    That's not gonna help much

    i dont know what else can i add O.o

    Anybody needs character graphics/sprites at some point or another.

    This software provides youwith them. You can change skin, eyes, hairs, body, head, clots, weapons, accesories ect. You can make various diffrent characters with Charas.EX. Monster characters, human characters, beasts characters ect

    the lone downside is perhaps that the resolution is rather small, characters have only 4 direction related views (up,down,left,right), theres no custome animation except walking and the walking itself has just 3 animation frames. Oh and perhaps that the graphics are very jRPG style (Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Xenogear, Star Ocean ect) which not everybody likes.

    Still, for a guy like me, with no drawing talents - its better then nothing.

    Its by far the simplest and most user-friendly method of obtaining character graphics for your game which arent riped off from another game.

  • deadeye : thanks for the sticky!

    Irbis : It's missing on purpose, for now there's no examples using any plugins in the list.

    Gonna add this later but that involve some ******** digging (feel free to help )

    ps. added some more stuff

    ahhh sorry. its true.

  • Before I start, I want to express a couple of things. I love when tutorials are posted, but I find the following things make them difficult to follow:

    *Some tutorialsI find are trying to be witty, whimsical, etc. It's just annoying to me. I tend to look at Construct and the way it flows as a series of steps, and I also happen to learn from tutorials better when I have steps clearly written out.

    *.Cap files are always great.

    *Using pictures of the actual events instead of typing out the text. I have be honest, when people post the text of the events, sometimes I get it sometimes I don't. But the picture of the actual event is way more effective, 100% effective in fact.

    *Explanations of why something is used helps us understand when to use it, and many of the tutorials I find are lacking those explanations. I'd suggest tutorials be treated more like you're talking to first-time user because in reality many people may be just that.

    What I'd like to see tutorials of

    -Hash tables - How to use them, why you'd use them, and when to use them.

    -Array - How to use it, why you'd use it, and when to use it.

    -Image Manipulator - How to use it, why you'd use it, and when to use it

    -Creating different types of menus with Global variables

    -Creating a save and load system

    -AI - and how you do it in Construct

    -Packing your games music and sounds files for the .exe

    you just earned yourself a free beer. any amount. ill cover the costs

  • looks like current fashion for naming games must consist some sort of weirdness

  • (Cough) Isn't it Boo-Boo? Just lock the damn thing

    could be. In my country its prenounced "Bobo" and i havent knew the original ^^

  • thank you! this is soo much better!

  • is it just me or is the plugin MagiCam missing?

  • what about magicam plugin?

  • Well what kind of bears DO you like irbis? Jeezus, I'm not a mind reader you know.

    i dont like any of them. well maybe except Bobo the Yogi sidekick. they are selfish and greedy.

    i much more prefer dogs or snow pather(hint hint)