ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Hey valerypopoff, I'm excited to use your plugin but I'm having trouble integrating a few files into a project that I've got working in the command line otherwise. What I'm essentially trying to do is call a function from the jstat library to convert a z score to a percentage value. In my most recent attempt I'm only using jstat and trying as many combinations of things as I can think of bit my return value is always 0.

    This is a small project I'm tinkering in to try and get a percentage value:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/qwy5nyslwp157 ... .capx?dl=0

    I don't share the file to have anything done *for* me, just to get info on how to get things moving. I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong here. Any help learning to effectively use this plugin is appreciated!

  • This section of the construct forums has always been one of my favorites. I love all the cool effects everyone here makes and appreciate how much time and dedication people put in. One thing that has always stumped me though, is what the licensing stipulations are for everyone's work. I'd hate to accidentally include someone's work without doing everything I need to do, and so by and large I tend to avoid using anything here (or in the adding area) without some sort of expressed conversation with people.

    With all this in mind, can I request that this gracious community try transitioning these addons to the new addon section for c2 (on the construct.net site)? This way all license (or paid license) information is clear and people can browse the addons more efficiently. Is anyone already working toward this?

    Thanks again for all your amazing effects, hard work, and graciousness!!!

  • Did you look at the bug reports for Nw.js directly? I found that certain versions also don't allow my programs to run on OSX, and had to roll back to get things working until the issue is fixed. You may have stumbled on another bug with that version?

  • Thank you!

  • Hello everyone!

    I have hit a roadblock in the development of an iPad-focused application and would like to learn how to convert an .js module (with a free use license) so that I can complete my idea. But before I go hopping down this rabbit hole, is that something that only works with NW.js?

    I have been working through intro javascript tutorials and node.js tutorials and can't wait to get moving on learning this stuff. Regardless of whether I can use modules in mobile exports, does anyone have forums or tutorials they find useful that might help me develop this new skill? Are there particular techniques I should focus on? Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you in advance; I appreciate how supportive the Scirra community is!

    EDIT: P.S I know that the browser object can run javascript as well, so maybe it's better to figure out how to run scripts from the module and return a value? Is that possible or would t still require changing things around?

  • Exciting news! Can't wait to see this thing when it's complete

  • Hey all,

    I'm hoping this will be a quick fix (I must be doing some little thing wrong here)

    I'm looking to calculate percentages from z-scores and have found a nifty piece of java script that should do the trick. The issue is that the percentage I'm getting are just way off (like waaaaaaay off). Have I input things incorrectly? Any help would be appreciated!

    Here is the code I'm trying to implement:

    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/330 ... g-quantile

    Here is my capx:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/kainje06phr8m ... .capx?dl=0

    Anyone see what I'm getting wrong here?

    Thanks for any help!

  • Thanks dop2000 for your example! Your hep is very much appreciated!

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  • Hey all,

    I'm encountering a weird issue with a small project I'm working on and was hoping for some answers as to what's going on. Essentially my player goes through a set of trials (let's call it 5 trials) made up of x steps (let's call it 10 steps). As errors are accrued in performing each step they are tallied in an array. I currently use one array for all the trials and load them into a spreadsheet-style format of text objects. This part works perfectly.

    However, I want to tally the number of errors accrued in each trial, which is where the problems are starting. Currently I'm looping through the array 5 times (one time per trial) with the number of loops increasing by 10s (loop 10 times, 20 times etc.) and adding the array.at(loopindex-1) to a local variable for each trial (loop1, loop2 etc.), and then setting text for the tallies like so:

    set text trial 5: clamp((loop5-loop4),0,loop5)

    set text trial 4: clamp((loop4-loop3),0,loop4)


    I can't figure out why this isn't working at all. It correctly tallies about 80% of the time and the other times it randomly drops or adds values of 1 per trial. It was doubling values per trial at one point but I added a "Once While True" value (though it only occurs "at start of layout") which fixed that issue.

    I'm thinking of just loading each trial into it's own array and going through this without a big looping tally system but I have to know why this isn't working regardless of what comes next lol. Am I missing some piece of theory or logic here??

    Thanks in advance for your help!!!!

  • Hey! Does anyone still have this plugin laying around for re-upload? Pode hasn't been on for awhile and id love to integrate this into a project I'm working on.

  • 1) hmmm I'm not sure whats going on there. Are your drivers up to date?

    2) Have you tried different browsers?

  • For the first issue,if you take small sprite and stretch it to a much larger state you will see some blurring around the edges. I've seen it in many quick mock ups when I don't feel like putting effort into the art - and that was on win7.

    For the second issue. Do you have a layer that's set to invisible perhaps? Something that would overlap (or have a parallax of 0,0) your pillars?

  • It looks like the link is broken. Would you mind re-posting it?

  • Here, this works fine. It should be pretty easy to adjust or alter depending on other things you'd like to do.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/2all17dryxf68 ... .capx?dl=0