ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Make a new project and load the template: Real Time Strategy. There's no reason it should be missing.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • If I'm not mistaken, the pathfinding RTS example comes included with a means to keep objects from overlapping.

  • yippiez HenryPK 's solution is actually a good one. It doesn't sound like you've given it a shot yet. I'd check it out.

  • I'm glad it was helpful! Happy Constructing!

  • ultrafop, did you manage to solve this issue?

    I'm observing it right now, after the latest update to r244, in the project that didn't have such problems with previous versions of Construct 2. I've been checking on two machines with integrated Intel video card.

    I wish, buddy. I thought it was specific to Nvidia but it seems you're having the issue with intel... Maybe it will be addressed if it starts impacting more users?

    EDIT: If you turn off effects preview in the editor, you won't see your effects, but the distortion will go away.

  • Set default controls to "no" and assign your own control scheme using either the gamepad, keyboard, or touch objects.

  • This is really great! Thank you!

  • Not really. But you can do this:

    Add an Array.

    Start with size (0,1,1)

    (A) is overlapping (B)

    _____For Each (A)

    _________Array > push ... value = A.UID

    The array contains now all UID's for (A)

    Thanks for your help!

  • I'm wondering if there is an expression to obtain all UIDs of duplicate objects that are overlapping.

    To offer more clarity on what I'm trying to do, I'm thinking something like this:

    If sprite = is overlapping sprite -> call function "overlap" (sprite.UID1) (sprite.UID2)

    Thanks in advanced for any help!

  • Problem Description

    starting and stopping a bullet changes it's angle of motion

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/8xd2jhlp399yt ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    starts and stops all bullets every 0.25 seconds

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      1) Set bullet speed to 0 2) Set bullet speed to a different speed

    Observed Result

    Bullets change angle of motion

    Expected Result

    Bullets continue at current angle of motion

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (UNK)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    C2 x64 v245

  • I'm currently away from my desktop so I'm not sure if this is an issue caused by the type of scaling that you're doing but my hunch is that your health bar isn't on the correct layer. Is your health bar on the parallax 0,0 layer? Also, you should add the anchor behavior to the health bar on that layer.

  • Hey there,

    This tut may be helpful to you: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/560/sw ... th-inertia

  • 99Instances2Go

    This has been so incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these together and make them easy to understand! I know they must have taken quite some time to make. I sincerely appreciate your help!

  • dropbox.com/s/sn2ua06x7265fay/spiralArch.capx

    Oh wow, this is great, thank you 99Instances2Go ! This is super helpful . I really appreciate you labeling the global variables so that I can understand what's actually going on. That's really thoughtful, thanks! I'm also wondering, would it be much trouble to ask how to get the spiral to start outside and move inwards, as opposed to moving outwards from a point? (Also, is there a web page where this kind of material is available for referencing?)

  • Hey all,

    I was tinkering around and thought it'd be fun to generate sprites in a spiral pattern. I feel like I'm close but I'm just creating a shape akin to an upside/flipped down 'J'. If someone could look at my math (math is not my strong suit) /logic and help me see how to properly implement this it'd be appreciated!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/096v8punqh3tk ... .capx?dl=0