ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Your work never ceases to amaze me. Thank you so much for this contribution!

  • Would you mind disabling R0j0hound's outline effect? I can't open the file to take a look.

  • Is this a background image or did you change the color of the background? If you changed the color of the background and then moved that layer up, it may interfere with seeing layers beneath it.

    Otherwise, my thoughts are:

    a) make sure your tilemaps are visible

    b) make sure your tilemaps are have a z order higher than the background image

    c) If your tilemaps are on a different layer, make sure that layer is higher than the one with the background image

    d) If your tilemaps are on another layer, make sure the parallax for that layer is set appropriately (things can really end up all over the place if the parallax isn't set up correctly)

  • Without looking at your events, nobody will be able to help you. If you could share your capx or load a picture of your events, it will give everyone a clearer picture of what is going on.

    Also, I don't think this is the kind of thing that deserves a call for a moderator.

  • Hey there, Flash.

    In terms of making superman fly, Id recommend using the 8 direction behavior. If you wanted to have a standard platformer feel and then allow flight, you could toggle it on and off with a button,or possibly by using your jump button with an extra condition that uses a system timer. However, when I watch the video in your link it looks like the 8 direction behavior alone could do the trick. You'd just want to check to see whether the playerbox.Y is greater than a tiled object's Y (like the top of the sidewalk -an additional check for an overlap might also be good depending on your purposes), to set the animations to walking ones.

    In terms of stopping Superman, I think he should stop just fine without extra code.

  • Hey there,

    I can take a look if you'd like.

    Without seeing the capx, my first thought is that there's a loop running that's causing the issue.

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  • Hey, this is nifty! Thanks for the upload!

  • So I've been reading through posts on using virtual machines for development and testing purposes. Right now I'm trying my hand at Virtual Box (because it's free) but it's really hindering performance with anything using WebGL effects (I'm using the newest iteration of the Macbook Pro 15", with an i7 and the Intel Iris graphics). I ramped the graphics up to the max in the settings and enabled 2d and 3d hardware acceleration. Additionally, the virtual machine is using 2GB of RAM. Has anyone had a similar issues and been able to fix them?

    I've heard that you can adjust virtual RAM and processor speeds in VMWare; is this the case? Does anyone here recommend VMware or should I look into something different?

    As a random aside - I saw that CandyFace was talking about testing Construct 2 in wine - kudos to you! If that ever gets working I'd love to jump on that bandwagon.

  • I really don't want to necro the thread, but it appears that the OP was more than a year ago last time on this website and I'm not sure if he would appear again. In any case, I PM'd him.

    The question, does anyone here still have a project that poisonpage shared with us? The link gives a 404 back and if anyone had the sample, I'd be very grateful!

    +1 This is so cool. I do appreciate the link with the trig calculations and instructions though - great resource!

  • Just so you know : After some research, I found out you can build 3ds games in Construct. Thanks for your help

    Would you mind providing a link to this info?

  • Hey there!

    I can't honestly say that I have the answer off the top of my head but I think it would be good to look through these tutorials (My link is for the first in a series), as I believe they may give you a good starting place on developing your mechanic.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/892/mu ... 1-concepts

    Best of luck!

  • Hello all

    I experienced a weird issue today when checking out a game I'm working on over my network. While it was running fine on my desktop, I noticed that when it's run on my laptop (in Safari and Chrome) it's essentially unplayable and the canvas seems to keep a trail of artifacts everywhere. My thinking is that this could be a driver issue or something but I don't have any other computers around and was wondering if anyone else has had this problem (is it a C2 issue)?

    EDIT/P.S - The format of this question didn't seem to fit into the bugs section so I posted here. If this is the wrong place for this, I apologize.

  • From what I've read elsewhere on these forums, there is a NDA regarding Steam-related stuff, and so you may want to contact Valve and inquire there.

  • This can actually become a fairly complex system. To start experimenting: What I've found to be useful is setting up a sprite that has the scroll-to behavior and having a numeric variable on it that I can adjust at will.

    So for instance, if the camera state is 1, it sets position to player.imagepointx(your imagepoint here)/player.imagepointy(your imagepoint here) every tick.

    You could have other sprites in the game that can be set to invisible that, when colliding/overlapping the player, can change the numeric value of that camera sprite's variable (let's say, to 2) and have that sprite set it's position to another x/y location or object location.

    I would also recommend reading up on lerp and using that to lerp from one position to the other so that you can get a smooth transition from point A to point B.

  • At risk of sounding a bit off of what your actually asking for, have you thought of having one sprite with multiple frames, setting each frame to a variable number (or name for that matter) for that spite and simply using that as all of the possible weapons (Or is that what you're referring to now)? You could use that in tangent with an array to keep track of ammo etc.

    Alternatively, I imagine you could also set the weapons variables to the player sprite and use those to spawn the correct weapon sprites or delete them (or change frames as mentioned above).