ultrafop's Forum Posts

  • Without a capx (or screenshot of the AI you've scripted) any offer would be conjecture. However, my thinking is that the sheep are using a state system for moving around(?). It looks like there's a conflict going on with that and it's oscillating between a few states rapidly. If it is using a state system, are you using a "for each" system condition to run them? Maybe they're all trying to go in different directions at once.

  • I got your pm, I'll message you back there

  • Hey all,

    I've made a slider bar for settings and last night, before going to sleep, I started working on a local storage function that would remember the slider position and the global variable value it would alter.

    I was wondering if this is the best way to approach this though. Is there an easier way to accomplish these settings being remembered or am I on the right track here?


  • Well, I think you'd need to make a new sprite font. There's a nifty utility that could be useful for you:

    This thread also has some good links for free spritefonts:

    Happy constructing!

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  • I can't claim to have expertise with a droid (perhaps you can change fonts in a setting to see what's available, if that exists), but I believe you can get around this problem by using sprite fonts.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/629/sp ... ere/page-3

  • Hey, thanks!

  • Sure thing!

  • Sounds like a weird quirk :/. So this is still happening even after setting the sound to preload (I'm guessing the added code about advancing the loading after the audio has loaded was tried after setting the preload)? I'm at a loss for what may be going on. My only other thought would be to wonder whether there's an added effect on the sound. I know that if I set certain effects incorrectly it can cause an entire project to run oddly.

  • I think R0J0hound has some good examples of this posted in this thread:

    EDIT: whoops we posted at the same time haha

  • Having sounds work well without a preload hasn't been my experience. I'd recommend at least trying that. Otherwise, capx?

    EDIT: I think what you're thinking of is that sounds have to be downloaded completely before playing, whereas music can be streamed (the wording in the manual is a bit odd there and it seems to imply that sounds are ready to go, which they are not). This means that if a sound is not preloaded, it will be loaded the first time it plays, giving you the delay.

  • I'm thinking about collision checks as well. Are these blocks set with collisions enabled? Maybe it would be good to disable collisions if they're off screen, or a certain distance away from the player. The same would go for NPCs etc..

  • My first thoughts are checking the z order to make sure that's correct, as well as ensuring the items are on correct layers (with the right parallax parameters).

  • EDIT: RTFM - This is because I'm importing as .m4a I suppose. Anyone know of a good .ogg converter?

    Hey all,

    I have the feeling this is a silly question but I really do need some help.

    I used Logic 9 to make some sound effects for a project. I loaded them into my project successfully (All green check-boxes) but they aren't displaying as available when I try to set them up (when shooting projectiles, for example). The files are .m4a format and I believe I've used those formats with free sounds in the past. Does anyone know of a fix for this, or possibly some settings I can use in Logic to ensure the files can be used?

    Very many thanks for your time and thought!

  • > This is so cool. I did find a little issue but it's pretty rare. When I jump alongside platforms, sometimes my playerbox gets stuck on the side of it. I'm not sure where that could be coming from but I thought I'd share.




    I know this problem, i think this is caused by the collision detection of polygon selection.

    Click to the cube to see the polygon for collision ,i will look that , the other solution is to

    place invisible rectangle block over cubes.

    Thank you for this report ..

    ** ok i have just tested this , the solution is like above place invisible block over each cubes. This will

    increase objects number in screen but not really affect speed performance , you can make over 200 cubes+

    200 invisible block without lost frame rate..



    Wow, that was fast! Thank you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • This is so cool. I did find a little issue but it's pretty rare. When I jump alongside platforms, sometimes my playerbox gets stuck on the side of it. I'm not sure where that could be coming from but I thought I'd share.