TwoTrey's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • The most strightforward way is to use JS block for this task. You can check whether your ad is visible. To achieve that you can use different JS expressions and different logic.

    For example:

    1) check height and width of ur ad is not 0.

    2) Wrap your ad in some block and then check if it's visible -

    document.getElementById("<id_of_the_wrapper>"))["display"] == "none"
  • Most easiest way is to use Gameanalytics. Just google it. There is a Construct 3 plugin for Gameanalytics -

  • Just screenshot to what dop2000 said erlier.

    Two options actually here:

    1) Use dop2000 advice

    2) Or change the downscaling quality option to High(ready about this option in Construc 3 documentation)

  • There are at least 3 issues are already reported regarding this problem:

  • There is the issue tracker -

    Fill ur problem there

  • If you need it ASAP just export to Cordova project and then build it on ur own.

    There are a lot of info on how to build cordova to android:

    1) Install java

    2) Gradle

    3) Android studio+SDK

  • You have some issue with collision points.

    Try to fix them by openning up the editor for your "ground" like this -

  • Made a build using the latest version of NWjs. Sadly, this one crashes when trying to access the cloud. I know this is not an officially supported way of using construct, but thought I'd toss that in there since some people had the same issue years ago. I use this to access local files much easier and test potential steam versions of my game.

    Have some issue and forced to work through web browser. Btw it started occuring just 4-5 days ago.

  • Here is fast explanation on example:

  • You should create the new instance of the ad every time you click on the object.

    What I do when I want to show an ad on click:

    CLick on object -> Create instance of admob(with the setting Show=False) -> Create evcent listner On Ad is ready -> Change the property of you admob instance to Show=True -> Create event listner on rewarded video finished and add handle what and where you want to add/substruct

  • Can confirm. I can see the same issue on my end. Most interesting thing that when I was reading this topic for the first time I tried to replicate the issue and I wasn't able get the issue. But today indeed I experience the same problem.

  • You should create a new instance of ad every time you want to show it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • There are actually two ways:

    1) Purchase Construct Master Collection and you can add Facebook SDK and use events as well

    2) You can export your project to Cordova and add Facebook SDK to exported project. How to add SDK you can find in documentation on FB Developer dashboard(after you creat Facebook app you should click on Settings button at App Events block). Events can be written in MainActivity class.

    So the schema looks like this:

    1. Export as Cordova project

    2. Create FB app through FB Developer dashboard

    3. Go through FB documenation

    4. Generate hashes(base64) to link the app with FB through keytool

    That's it.

  • 14 posts