tunepunk's Forum Posts

  • I agree with this. Based on most complaints here the common problem seems to be physics. Almost everyone posting issues is using physics in the game so maybe physic based games are too demanding for low-mid level mobile devices atm.

    I haven't done mobile games in a while. But this is the first game I ever made in C2 and it ran pretty good on most devices then. Exported with cocoon with the old flashing splash screen <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink"> I have no idea on how it runs now so feel free to try it on an older device.

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... appz.dropz

    I am testing the new cocoon.io and comparing it to the XDK export right now to see how big of a problem the performance is.

    Please keep me posted on your cocoon.io vs XDK results. Very curious which gives better performance.

    Anyway, it's kind of sad to see they can differ that much, or get even lower performance than playing your game in your stock phone browser. It should work way better in my opinion.

  • The Multiplayer plugin was too hard for me to grasp especially with these kind of issues, so i switched to using Photon cloud for multiplayer instead. Worked a lot better and much more comprehensible, did you try it out?

  • I'm fearing the day when i have to wrap up my game for iOS and Android. Seems more of a hassle than anything... Wish C2 could output a apk straight out of the box.

  • Have had PM sitting in my outbox for hours now. Not sending.

  • STARTECHSTUDIOS I am sure he is just saying that or he would have post great app for us to test it. I have all type of resource, source and people power too. Please tunepunk don’t discard and cast off Consrruct 2 just because you are having defficulty using C2. Blaming Ashley, Tom or anyone else will not make any difference.

    Huh? I'm not blaming anyone? Cast off construct 2? I don't think you understood my post.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • tunepunk - You mean it isn't an app yet?

    I thought you meant you had an app running smoothly. If it's not an app that isn't exactly a fair test..

    I've resolved my performance issues for Windows Phone build, but at the moment I'm still att alpha stage, so will build for other platforms when i get closer to beta. But point is. I don't doubt the wrappers or C2, it's more about designing/optimising the game to fit the target platform in terms of performance.

  • tunepunk - Why don't you post your great app so we can give it a try as well...???

    I will eventually, but not sharing it just yet, unless you wanna sign an NDA, then i can send you a link.

    Only tested build for windows phone so far, but will do for other iOS and Android later on.

  • People don't see the importance of optimising their code. It's easy to get things run smoothly on a PC, but every single % of CPU counts on Mobile. I was struggling with the same problem in my early stages of development, but as I learnt many tricks along the way my game now runs super smooth on mid range phones as well, even if my game is isometric multiplayer with Z ordering & collissions and tons of objecs on in the layout.

    Many people just assume that if the game works on your desktop it will work on their phone, and are blaming the wrapper for bad performance. Usually it's bad code and lack of optimisation.

    There are some tutorials and tips on the site on how to get your performance up, but i think the main issue is the lack of general knowledge on how the event system works that people just assume that it will work on phones as well.

    I think we would see a lot of more good C2 made games with good performance on various app stores if people knew what they were doing, instead of blaming wrappers/C2 and ditching their projects.

    Some more general "good practice" tutorials would be nice working with the event system, and understanding of how code actually works. It's easy to make things happen in C2, but it's hard to make them happen efficiently.

  • https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/902/lightning-fast-raycasting

    I think this tutorial is what you are looking for.

  • I read somewhere there is a workaround for having svg's in your project. Use png images in your project but after export you replace them with Svg's. You may have to alter the code somewhere and change so that the svgs are loaded instead of the png's. Html5 supports vector graphics so i have no idea why this hasnt been implemented yet.

  • Nice work! And congratulations to releasing your game. Didnt try it yet, but I like the art style. Gonna try it when i get a chance.

  • Ahhhh good info. I might wanna try out using the sprite font instead to get a bit more FPS.

  • Very nice.. good atmosphere and sounds. Played my whole lunch break.

  • Looks nice. I like the dark feeling but a little bit hard to destinguish some parts.

  • It's not wrong to ask, but try searching the forum if someone else asked a similar question. Maybe you get your answer more faster that way?