Toya Aponesto's Forum Posts

  • I think its the computer itself. You might not be doing anything wrong in your game since other computers can hear those sounds just fine (Haven't tested it in my PC btw :P).

  • You could do this using the RTS Behavior of Construct Classic, but as for C2 I haven't personally tried 'mimicing' the behavior through events. I'm not even sure if the RTS behavior is available yet in C2 :P

  • Well with all the votes, it still depends on Ashley on which will be developed next based probably on feasibility or somthing. We can only inlfuence him through the votes. *Mind controls Ashley* - "Multiplayer....NOW!" :P

  • I'm from the Philippines and I am interested with the project presented, but since it's not possible for me to join then I'll just be an audience for now. I do hope this operation succeeds and could possibly reach other countries in the near future. Best wishes!

  • Game Develop looks 80% like C2 LOL! Probably using the same software/language to build the engine.

  • I made something like this in CC but was never able to finished it. We used it for our project in our Artificial Intelligence class during my college days and we got the highest grade thanks to CC :). I still have the file of that but the events were too messy to continue.

  • This might be late, but you're welcome Geo!

  • I have the copy of the licensed bundle. I got it together with my license sent by Scirra. So if you check your emails, a link for the license bundle should be there also.

  • Contratulations guys! Had fun playing your games!

  • I forgot how to vote..........LMAO! How do I vote again?

  • It's gonna take forever for me to play all these games and decide which ones to vote for LOL!

  • Welcome back bro! Take time to discover whats in C2. Best wishes to your personal life too!

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  • LemonDROP we're very much aware of the answer for an EXE exporter but you know, if there's a little workaround, people would want to look at it and see if it works :P

    From the screenshot in the first post, although there's tons of limitations, it somehow kinda works. So I guess people who wants the EXE exporter would want to try that.

    EDIT: Sorry, read your post the wrong way, C2 currently focuses on HTML5, there is a possibility that EXE will come next but we can't tell as of now since Ashley hasn't really completed all features of C2.

  • I'm also a bit curious, for Visual Studio, will it only use IE? Or can it use other browsers like Firefox or Chrome? I wonder if another programming software can do the same thing but not limited to IE.

  • I see, well I guess I'll have a go with that. Hopefully it would be favorable for me. Thanks! =)