Toya Aponesto's Forum Posts

  • Hello. Earlier this morning I was thinking what I can do with Contrsuct 2 current features. When I noticed that I could probably make a musical instrument using it on my mobile phone with touch screen. So I decided to google some drum sounds and build a drum interface and uploaded it on my phone. Sadly, I realized my phone didn't have html 5 installed on its browser. So I need someone to test this if it works.

    So basically, its a Drums/Beatbox Pad utilizing touch screen. So just tap in the whatever buttons you see and whoala, drum sounds you'll hear. So yeah, although I haven't tested it since I couldn't get it to work with my phone. And as of now, I got so excited that I posted this topic without being at home so I can't upload it yet LOL!

    I'll probably do something with the beatbox, piano, or guitar if I can find some sounds or I'll record them myself. Anyway, I'll post the file later if its alright with you guys. Treat this as a uhhh... teaser or something. What do you think about the idea anyway?

  • I think it may be best to use arrays. One guy here showed me a simple diablo like inventory before. Sorry but I forgot who gave it lol! And I don't have the file anymore so... sorry.

  • This may not really have anything to do with your tutorials but you can try Google Adsense, basically, you can earn some dollars by posting their ads on your website or something and if people click those ads, you get some mowney!

  • Thanks Ash! I'll take a look at it!

  • This might be an offtopic but, where in this forum can I find a tutorial to make plugins for C2? I have a background for programming so I don't think I'm going to have too much trouble (hopefully ) So to kill time when I'm not doing anything, I'd like to explore the plugin universe.

  • Great work guys! I love you all!!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can make it simple if you want to. Try searching for a game site template somewhere on the internet. Also, I would recommend using Photoshop when doing buttons, navigation bars or whatever graphics you might want to use on your site's GUI. It is also important to have 1 "color theme". You don't want a viewer to see rainbows when visiting your site.

    There's also tons of free web hosting sites around there. Try subscribing to one. Lastly, there's also tons of free website builders for beginners and pros.

  • - aha! ... _page_id=5 Worth a shot, I sent them an email!

    kiyoshi: can you explain what happens?

    LOL! yeah, you could try that Ash

  • Just been wondering for quite a while now. How will saving a game progress be done for C2? Does it generate a seperate file wherein all the variables (etc) are on it? I was thinking maybe it would be like RMXP/VX wherein the program puts all variables or whatever on a separate file.

  • I thought UK had 2 years warranty for any device? Or does that not apply to online stores?

  • Hmmm, its kinda funny how the Pirates seem to follow strategic plans while the Alliance will strike and bash with it all its got on 1 enemy it finds. You have an interesting game there, however I can't check the CAP for now due to work.

  • mega kill!!

  • kill!!

  • momomomonnster kill!

  • When I got Vista for the first time, I was amazed, but I realized it was such a heavy OS (needs lotsa requirements on hardware). So I went back to XP and waited for 7. So yeah I use 7 now. I'm more "techy" when it comes to XP but I'm sticking with 7 for now for learning purposes and probably till the next one comes out.