I've noticed an odd performance problem with firefox 4. I have a 1920 by 1080 display. If the browser window - not the HTML five canvas window displayed in the webpage - takes up the whole screen, the frame rate gets all choppy. It doesn't happen with chrome so it's obviously a firefox issue, but I thought I should mention it.
Using export instead of preview uses the old made with construct two white page.
If you give an object fade behavior, set the fade in time to something like 500, then upon creating the object it will start at 100% opacity for the tick it's created.
I'm not really sure what most of the sprite effects are supposed to do, so I'll just assume that I'm not understanding them rather than them working incorrectly (some of them blank out objects that they're not applied to to gray and such).
A usability problem with the event sheet editor: having to shift the slider between the icon/object name and condition for each level of sub-events for each event sheet you work with each time you open the program is frustrating. I recommend making it so that dragging one conditions slider drags them all and sets a system-wide variable for the next event sheet that's opened to use the same slider placements for all the condition, event and action sliders. Also, I think three pixels is a bit too small, with a wacom I keep missing. 0.x used 7 pixels - how about that, or perhaps five?
Also, I have to reiterate that I dislike the variable amount that a event has to be dragged to the right to become a sub event of the event above it. I really liked in construct 0.x how the distance needed to drag it to the right to make it a sub event was always the same, which was about how far the event would be indented if it were made a sub-event. That makes more sense to me to drag it as far as it will end up moving and flows better than having to check each time how far it needs to be dragged - and especially if you zoom in/increase the font size than you end up having to drag it a lot to the right when only something like 35-50 pixels would do. The dragging and dropping and construct one was fidgety weather and event was dropped above or below another event, but for sub-events and left to right dragging it's always been rock solid.
Nice new version!