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    necromaster I do plan on making it all better at some point. I'm really at the stage now where it's all working well, and I want to move on to other things so we can get it released. There really is an unlimited number of things we could do with it at this point. So hopefully in the future I'll revisit those pages and consider those changes.

    [quote:r24yf8ax]Also, the license should allow for the buyer to use the asset him/herself or ON BEHALF OF A CLIENT (that is, for a comissioned project) - this is very important!

    Yes, good point thank you!

    [quote:r24yf8ax]Last thing (for now): envato (biggest and IMHO best general asset store) judges the quality of all items and sets prices themselves.

    We've considered this, but we're not going to go down that route for now at least. We do have the ability to reject items, if something is way out of reasonable pricing (for example a brick png selling for £500) we'll definitely reject it.

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    [quote:209x1yzn]Item popularity come and go in waves, and is not something that can be predicted or always influenced with price drop.

    Good point, I'll drop this idea for now then.

    [quote:209x1yzn]But for sound effects or graphics there might be the need for a multi-license. So this should be considered, maybe as a separate offer?

    I've got to stop adding features to the store now, as we need to launch at some point. I'm not saying no to the possibility of this, but for initial launch the idea is to have one license for all, at one price for one unit. There's always the possibility of adding a feature in the future of allowing sellers to offer a % discount for minimum x units ordered of course.

    [quote:209x1yzn]The definition of commercial project is a bit loose. Most royalty free licences at this sort of price exclude use in an advert, broadcast TV or theatrical release movies. Although it's unlikely people will use the assets for those things it might be an idea to clarify; maybe using "commercial game project" or "commercial software project" instead of simply commercial?

    Absolutely, will add this in.

    [quote:209x1yzn]A clause that the licensee mustn't claim or transfer attribution or the content might is another idea too

    Again yes good point.

    [quote:209x1yzn]All in all I'm happy with whatever decision is made but an idea would be to add something like: "name of resource" from "Scirra store" by "name of artist".

    I'm afraid after a bit of thought I don't think we'll be adding any requirement for attribution. If sellers want, they can add their logos to the packs and have a polite txt file saying it would be nice if you could attribute, but for royalty free assets I don't think it should be a requirement.

    Excellent and very useful feedback so far everyone, much thanks!

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    shinkan I'm trying to umbrella all assets under 1 simple to understand and fair license agreement, this will make it highly appealing and easy to understand for customers in the store and hopefully encourage more sales of assets.

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    famekrafts link works for me, still not able to see it?

    Also I think it would encourage lower prices, so higher priced items would perhaps come down in price. I'm also thinking of having reviews of items that are under performing (for example zero sales in 3 months). If items do under perform, I'd contact the seller to say they need to consider making some changes or we will consider de-listing the item.

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    Hey all, would like feedback on the licensing for the store.

    As you all know assets in the store are going to be distributed under a Royalty Free Licensing agreement. This agreement allows use in derivative works.

    The current RFL license for the store allows for usage in unlimited projects. For the new store, I'm considering modifying the RFL to allow use for 1 single commercial project only (but unlimited non-commercial projects). This sort of arrangement seems fairly common on other sites (template monster for example).

    The exclusive license would not only de-list the item from the store, but allow for usage in unlimited derivative works.

    Alternatives would be to allow for higher numbers of commercial projects (3, 5 or 10).

    What are peoples thoughts on this? Here's a draft of the licensing agreement in question:

    This modification to the license will not affect usage for anyone who has already purchased assets from our current store!

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    Thanks Feedback has been very positive and also useful so far. I think with regards to tools/features for sellers, coming to an end (for now). Have to stop somewhere!

    Looking to finish the licensing details and payment processing, after that looking at caching to speed up the pages and a few other bits and bobs, then we're ready for launch.

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    Good points. I can set it per category. What I'll do is see how people use it, and if people do misuse it or it's not useful in some way for specific categories I'll disable it for those categories. It makes sense for plugins/games/animations though I think. You're right though, probably not for audio.

  • Not at the moment I'm afraid! Getting a jingle made would be fun though

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  • Sure, go for it!

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    famekrafts, ah yes good idea. Will do this after the release so not to confuse people.

    Michaelb, not sure yet. When it's released we'll figure it all out.

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    Already there <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Blue button at the bottom of the item page that says "View all sellers items", example:

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    I think ArcadeEd is right, there's a bit of uncertainty at the moment. Sellers can of course change their prices, so if they have an item sitting there for a few weeks not selling they are welcome to consider dropping the price.

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    No free content is permitted in the store at the moment, we want to control the content carefuly before allowing free content (don't want to be overwhelmed).

    RE: Cashouts, yes you can specify a different email address for Paypal

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    Sorry important change everyone, you must be at least 18 years old to sell assets in our store. Sorry for overlooking this. If anyone currently in the beta is not 18, please drop me an email.

    We'll not be accepting applications from anyone under 18 from now. If you are not 18 years old or older, please do not apply for the new store beta.

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