Tom's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for post, stars are being displayed incorrectly will fix this, XML should be working now as well it doesn't seem to like & symbols so will filter for those.

    For the way games are displayed on the homepage:

    • The featured games are just ones me and Ash pick. They can change a lot, we try and add new ones in replacing old ones every now and then. Just gives games we like a bit more exposure.
    • On the same page each category lists the games that are top rated. So the front page should show the best games. The stars are coming out a bit wrong but that's how it should work.

    Hope that clears it up!

  • Always delete spam ASAP. If you leave it on your going to be encouraging them. Intelligent spam software will revisit posted messages to see how many have 'stuck' and not been deleted. If it has a high stick rate it will revisit it for more spam. Always delete spam!

    Feel free to link to this post! I wrote it up as a blog post here as well which contains a bit more information:

  • Hi there! Glad you figured it out, there shouldn't be a url limit but there is a character limit.

  • A bit of edgy language is fine as long as it's not excessive. Before a game is allowed onto the arcade we approve them individually and will let you know if it's too excessive! So feel free to upload and we'll let you know if anything is wrong.

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  • tomshreds just to let you know if you paid with e-cheque or transfer it can take up to a week to process, there's nothing we can really do to speed it up I'm afraid!

    Glad you're getting on OK with it!

  • Yes! I've manually done it for you

  • Thanks for the feedback! We also get annoyed when software restricts us and there doesn't seem to be any real reason why it can't be per person (after all you bought it!) so that's why we went this way.

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  • Hi Caer,

    I've sent you a PM.


  • Hi Ronnin, that's fine as long as you're not making money from the game.

    Making money from your game includes advertising via Google banners, or advertising other commercial products/services you have.

    Adverts that you have no control over and do not profit from directly or indirectly are OK.

    Hope that answers it for you!

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